Teacher’s Science and Technology Outreach Program

This data set provides details from research projects funded through Teacher's Science and Technology Outreach Program (2003 to the present).

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Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
May 7, 2013
Update frequency
As required

Teacher’s Science and Technology Outreach Program

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Date range: January 11, 2003 - February 1, 2013

  • CSV
    Teacher’s Science and Technology Outreach Program English

    Last Updated: May 7, 2013

  • XLSX
    Teacher’s Science and Technology Outreach Program English

    Last Updated: May 7, 2013


Supporting Files

  • TXT
    Research Funding Legend and Summary English

    Last Updated: May 7, 2013

  • TXT
    La légende et sommaire de recherche financés French

    Last Updated: May 7, 2013


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