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Wolf and coyote hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...Resource formats:
White-tailed deer hunting activity and harvest
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunters as well as antlered, antlerless and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter...Resource formats:
Wild turkey harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down spring, fall and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest numbers are based on mandatory reports received from...Resource formats:
Elk harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down bull elk, cow elk and total harvest numbers by: elk harvest area calendar year Harvest numbers are based on mandatory reports received from elk tag...Resource formats:
Wages by education level
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The age groups available in the dataset are: 15+, 25+, 25-34, 25-54 and 25-64. Type of work includes full-time and part-time. The educational levels include: 0-8 yrs., some...Resource formats:
Environmental Penalty Annual Report
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) publishes an annual report on environmental penalties issued in the previous calendar year. Environmental...Resource formats:
Fuel and gasoline tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list enables consumers and dealers to identify those authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute products like gasoline, propane, and clear or dyed diesel...Resource formats:
Raw leaf tobacco registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list allows you to identify legal entities authorized by the Minister of Finance, under the Tobacco Tax Act, to process, sell, distribute, import, export and transport raw...Resource formats:
Moose hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down bull moose, cow moose, calf moose and total harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are...Resource formats:
Black bear hunting activity and harvests
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...Resource formats:
White meat slaughter
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on white meat slaughtered in provincially inspected plants by month and type.Resource formats:
Red meat slaughter
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on red meat slaughtered in provincially inspected plants by month and type.Resource formats:
Conservation Reserve Regulated
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Displays areas regulated as a conservation reserve in order to: permanently protect representative ecosystems, biodiversity and significant elements of Ontario's natural...Resource formats:
Tobacco tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list allows you to identify persons authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute tobacco products. Registrants on this list hold a valid registration...Resource formats:
Manufacturing industry statistics: food beverage and tobacco manufacturing
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on food beverage and tobacco manufacturing sector for Ontario. Data includes: revenue from goods manufactured total revenue total cost of energy water...Resource formats:
Short-Term Rental Statistics
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Data includes occupancy rates, average daily rates, and revenue per available rental.Resource formats:
Hotel statistics
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Data includes occupancy rates, average daily rates, and revenue per available room.Resource formats:
Oak Ridges Moraine: planning area
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset was created to establish a permanent boundary. Lands within this boundary are subject to the principles contained in the Oak Ridges Moraine Legislation. Boundary is...Resource formats:
Oak Ridges Moraine: land use designations
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset was created to provide land use information on the Oak Ridges Moraine and is the basis for Ontario Regulation 140/02. The data was digitized at 1:10,000 or better...Resource formats:
Chronic wasting disease surveillance in members of the deer family
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Chronic wasting disease is a fatal, untreatable disease of the central nervous system affecting members of the wild cervid family (for example, white-tailed deer, American elk,...Resource formats: