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Ontario public library statistics (Population group 5,001 to 15,000)
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Categorized library statistical reports for the population group of 5,001 to 15,000.Resource formats:
Ontario public library statistics (Population group 0 to 2,500)
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Categorized library statistical reports for the population group of 0 to 2,500.Resource formats:
Ontario public library statistics (Population group 2,501 to 5,000)
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Categorized library statistical reports for the population group of 2,501 to 5,000.Resource formats:
Ontario public library statistics (Population group greater than 250,000)
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Categorized library statistical reports for the population group of greater than 250,000.Resource formats:
Ontario public library statistics (All population groups)
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Categorized library statistical reports for all population groups.Resource formats:
Announced projects: Rural Economic Development program
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get data on announced projects funded through the Rural Economic Development (RED) program. Ontario's RED program funds projects that stimulate economic growth in rural and...Resource formats:
Ontario field crop area and production estimates by county
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on the estimated area, production and farm value of field crops in Ontario, including: estimated seeded and harvested acres yield production farm value by...Resource formats:
Historical fish stocking data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Get data on fish stocking records from 1900 - 2012. This dataset is the most complete collection of historical fish stocking records available for the time period 1900 to 2012....Resource formats:
Contractors who specialize in soil erosion control on agricultural land
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset contains a list of soil erosion control contractors in Ontario who offer design and construction services to landowners to help control soil erosion on agricultural...Resource formats:
Fuels price survey information
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
This dataset contains weekly retail prices of three grades of gasoline, diesel, auto propane and compressed natural gas in 10 Ontario markets. Prices are in cents per litre...Resource formats:
Geophysical dataset index
Ministry: Mines
Geophysical contains boundaries illustrating areas that have published digital data products released by the Ontario Geological Survey. Data includes: locations of published...Resource formats:
Surficial geology of southern Ontario
Ministry: Mines
Surficial Geology contains a layer which depicts the distribution and characteristics of surficial deposits across southern Ontario. Data includes: surficial geology units,...Resource formats:
1:250 000 scale bedrock geology of Ontario
Ministry: Mines
A 1:250 000 scale map of the bedrock geology of Ontario. This seamless GIS dataset includes such themes as bedrock units, major faults, dike swarms, iron formations and...Resource formats:
Quaternary geology of Ontario
Ministry: Mines
The Quaternary geology data set is a digital interpretation of surficial geology for the Province of Ontario and illustrates the general distribution of the various types of...Resource formats:
Ministry: Mines
OGSEarth provides data on mining claims, geology, index maps, administrative boundaries and abandoned mines. The data provided by OGSEarth is available in Keyhole Markup...Resource formats:
Ontario business, agri-food, and farm data profiles
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has created business, agri-food, and farm data profiles for: each region in the province (Central, Eastern, Western,...Resource formats:
Ontario public library statistics
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Self-reported data from approximately 380 public libraries, First Nation public libraries and contracting organizations. The data includes: general information including...Resource formats:
Aggregated carrots production and yields
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on harvested area, marketed production, average price, farm value and average yield for carrots in Ontario. Statistical data are compiled to serve as a...Resource formats:
Ontario sourcherry production and yield
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on harvested area, marketed production, average price, farm value and average yield for sourcherry production in Ontario. Statistical data are compiled to...Resource formats:
Ontario sweetcherry production and yield
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on harvested area, marketed production, average price, farm value and average yield for sweetcherry production in Ontario. Statistical data are compiled to...Resource formats: