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165 datasets found

Access level: Open (165) and Topics: Government (165) and Licences: Open Government Licence – Ontario (165)

  • Government official names

    Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement

    Bilingual reference lists on the following topics: names and official titles of current ministers and parliamentary assistants official names, including short forms and...

    Resource formats:

    • CSV
  • Environmental Penalty Annual Report

    Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks

    The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) publishes an annual report on environmental penalties issued in the previous calendar year. Environmental...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • PDF
  • Lake Simcoe Monitoring

    Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks

    The Lake Simcoe lake monitoring program provides measurements of chemical and physical water quality limits such as total phosphorus, nitrogen, chlorophyll a, pH, alkalinity,...

    Resource formats:

    • ZIP
    • SHP
    • PDF
  • Government terms

    Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement

    Glossaries on the following topics: common abbreviations government websites job ads and position descriptions signage (including court signage) news releases and other...

    Resource formats:

    • CSV
  • Outdoors Card purchasers locations

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Generalized postal code data of Outdoor Cards purchasers, including non- residents of the province. Outdoor Cards are required to hunt and fish within the Province of Ontario....

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Forest resource processing facilities

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This data is used for referencing spatial and tabular Forest Resource Processing Facility information. Each facility has one or more processing sites, each dedicated to...

    Resource formats:

  • Available wood report

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Ministry of Natural Resources works with forest management unit managers and existing industry stakeholders to estimate the available wood supplies on each management unit...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Niagara Escarpment Plan policy area

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Niagara Escarpment Special Policy Area is comprised of the North Aldershot Policy Area and the Waterdown Policy Area. More information

    Resource formats:

    • DOCX
    • PDF
  • Niagara Escarpment Plan land use designations

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Depicts the internal boundaries of the Niagara Escarpment Plan area. The 7 land use designations are: escarpment natural area escarpment protection area escarpment rural area...

    Resource formats:

    • PDF
    • DOCX
  • Niagara Escarpment Plan boundary

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The purpose of this dataset is to depict the boundaries of the Niagara Escarpment Plan. The outer boundary of the area covered by the Niagara Escarpment Plan is fixed and...

    Resource formats:

    • PDF
    • DOCX
  • Minor urban centres in the Niagara Escarpment Plan

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Minor urban center is one of the 7 Niagara Escarpment Plan land use designations. This designation includes rural settlements, villages and hamlets. The boundaries of minor...

    Resource formats:

  • Recreational fishing regulations data

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This spatial dataset contains a summary of fishing regulations and fish sanctuary descriptions. The data includes information on: species catch and possession limits size...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • DOCX
  • Ontario water and weather monitoring stations

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Point locations of water and weather monitoring stations used by the Surface Water Monitoring Centre to assess flood and drought conditions across Ontario. Monitoring station...

    Resource formats:

    • SHP
  • Fire Weather Sector

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Get data on boundaries of local climatic areas used for forest fire weather forecasting. This dataset shows the boundaries of administrative areas used for forest fire weather...

    Resource formats:

  • Restricted Fire Zone

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Get data on areas where outdoor fires are not permitted. This dataset shows areas where outdoor fires are restricted in accordance with the Forest Fires Prevention Act. There...

    Resource formats:

  • Historical Fire Management Zone

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This dataset shows the boundaries of the province's six fire management zones that existed prior to 2014 in which most forest fires received the same type of response. These...

    Resource formats:

  • Fire Response Plan Area

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Get data on fire response plan area boundaries and recommended response types for wildfires. This dataset shows the boundaries of fire response plan areas and provides the...

    Resource formats:

    • WEB
  • Fire Disturbance Point

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This dataset shows the locations of ignition points for forest fires less than 40 hectares in size. Fires that grow larger than 40 hectares are mapped in the Fire Disturbance...

    Resource formats:

  • Fire Disturbance Area

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    A Fire Disturbance Area represents the mapped exterior perimeter of a forest fire. Mapping is derived from a variety of sources, such as GPS points and digitized paper maps....

    Resource formats:

  • Fire - potential hazardous forest types for wildland fire

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Hazardous forest types for wildland fire means forest types assessed as being associated with the risk of high to extreme wildland fire. This data is intended to help inform...

    Resource formats: