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Private school contact information
Ministry: Education
Data about private schools in Ontario and overseas. Includes: school name school number credits offered principal name suite PO box street address city province/ country...Resource formats:
School board and school authority contact information
Ministry: Education
This data set contains the contact information (name, mailing address, phone number, etc.) for all publicly funded school boards and school authorities in Ontario. Data...Resource formats:
School board financial reports (estimates, revised estimates and financial statements)
Ministry: Education
Includes financial data of school boards including revenues (e.g. ministry grants, grants from other ministries, education property taxes) and expenses (e.g. classroom...Resource formats:
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Program List
Ministry: Education
List of SHSM programs by sector offered in Ontario publicly-funded English-language and French-language schools for the current school year.Resource formats:
Licensed child care settings COVID-19 data
Ministry: Education
Every day, schools, child care centres and licensed home child care agencies report to the Ministry of Education on children, students and staff that have positive cases of...Resource formats:
Schools COVID-19 data
Ministry: Education
Every day, schools, child care centres and licensed home child care agencies report to the Ministry of Education on children, students and staff that have positive cases of...Resource formats:
Trillium List of approved textbooks (Kindergarten to Grade 12) for use in Ontario schools
Ministry: Education
The Trillium List is a list of all textbooks that the Minister of Education has approved for teachers to use for students in kindergarten to Grade 12. Textbooks on the Trillium...Resource formats:
Early Development Instrument (EDI)
Ministry: Education
The EDI is designed for use with whole populations based on geographical or administrative boundaries. It is a questionnaire completed by kindergarten teachers for each student...Resource formats: