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Ontario Public Drug Programs Narcotics Monitoring System tracked opioids
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by opioid subcategory and includes: number of recipients dispensers total oral morphine equivalents ranking Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at a...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Narcotics Monitoring System data by recipients
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by age and sex and includes information on the total number of dispensers monitored by the Narcotics Monitoring System. Read the Ontario Public Drug...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs drug submissions by manufacturers
Ministry: Health
This dataset is aggregated by submission category. It contains information on drug manufacturers' submissions to the Ontario Public Drug Programs, including average number...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs cost data
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by drug program type and includes: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts paid by the...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs by recipient group
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by age group and drug program type and includes: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs by brand or generic drug
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by brand or generic drug status and includes: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts...Resource formats:
Households enrolled in Ontario’s Trillium Drug Program
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on households enrolled in the Trillium Drug Program aggregated by enrolment history. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at a Glance Report...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Seniors Copayment Program
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on the processing times and enrolled households in the Seniors Co-payment Program. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs at a Glance Report for...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs pharmacy professional services
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by professional service program and includes: number of recipients claims quantity of services total professional service fees Read the Ontario Public...Resource formats:
Ontario public drug programs exceptional access program top 10 drugs
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on the turnaround time and approvals for the top ten drugs requested to the Exceptional Access Program. Read the Ontario Public Drug Programs...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Drug Programs Exceptional Access Program response times
Ministry: Health
This data is aggregated by queue priority and includes information on the turnaround times and targets for submissions made to the Exceptional Access Program. Read the Ontario...Resource formats:
Ontario‘s Trillium Drug Program processing times
Ministry: Health
This data includes information on the Trillium Drug Program, including: number of enrolled households household incomes processing times deductibles paid Read the Ontario...Resource formats:
Cancer drugs funded by Ontario Public Drug Programs
Ministry: Health
This dataset includes information on cancer drugs, including: number of recipients number of claims total drug costs total drug markups and other fees total amounts paid by the...Resource formats:
College and University Strategic Mandate Agreements: historical data, targets and results
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
Strategic Mandate Agreements (SMAs) are a key component of our accountability framework for the postsecondary education system. The agreements highlight institutional priorities...Resource formats:
Labour force estimates by immigration
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Education level includes: no degree, certificate or diploma, high school graduate, high school graduate and some post-secondary, post-secondary certificate or diploma (without...Resource formats:
Labour force estimates by educational level
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The age groups available in the data set are: 15+, 15-64, 15-19, 15-24, 20-24, 25-44, 25-54, 25+, 45-54, 55-64, 55+ and 65+. The educational levels include: 0-8 yrs., some high...Resource formats:
Long-Term Energy Plan online survey
Ministry: Energy and Electrification
In 2013, the Ministry of Energy conducted consultations and engagements with Ontario citizens regarding Ontario's Long-Term Energy Plan. An online survey collected opinions...Resource formats:
Admissions to the Youth Justice System: Most Serious Offence
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
This data represents youth admissions to custody and detention facilities and community sentences. Where there are multiple offences, the most serious offence is recorded. The...Resource formats:
Adoption openness arrangements
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data shows number of: adopted children with and without access orders before adoption applications for openness orders people receiving a notice of the right to apply for an...Resource formats:
Archives of Ontario Tours and Speakers Bureau
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
Schedule Archives' tour and Speakers Bureau events. Track and report attendance at events. Related Archives of Ontario customer service statisticsResource formats: