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Beer manufacturers, microbrewers and brands
Ministry: Finance
This list identifies the brands of beer made by beer manufacturers and microbreweries that are subject to the beer tax. You can use this list to calculate the beer tax you pay...Resource formats:
Raw leaf tobacco registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list allows you to identify legal entities authorized by the Minister of Finance, under the Tobacco Tax Act, to process, sell, distribute, import, export and transport raw...Resource formats:
Tobacco tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list allows you to identify persons authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute tobacco products. Registrants on this list hold a valid registration...Resource formats:
Gasoline tax rates
Ministry: Finance
Gasoline tax rates were last changed on July 1, 2022. The current rates are: unleaded gasoline - 9¢ per litre Effective July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2025, the gasoline tax rate...Resource formats:
Fuel tax rates
Ministry: Finance
Fuel tax rates were last changed on July 1, 2022. The current rates are: 9 ¢ per litre Effective July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2025, the fuel tax rate will be reduced from 14.3...Resource formats:
Fuel and gasoline tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list enables consumers and dealers to identify those authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute products like gasoline, propane, and clear or dyed diesel...Resource formats:
Catalogue of natural resource scientific and technical publications
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Search a list of the scientific and technical publications issued since 2004. Email us to request a publication. This catalogue is designed for users of natural resources...Resource formats:
Forest resources inventory status
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset provides various Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry business areas with fundamental forest inventory information needed to meet their program mandates.Resource formats:
Geophysical dataset index
Ministry: Mines
Geophysical contains boundaries illustrating areas that have published digital data products released by the Ontario Geological Survey. Data includes: locations of published...Resource formats:
Surficial geology of southern Ontario
Ministry: Mines
Surficial Geology contains a layer which depicts the distribution and characteristics of surficial deposits across southern Ontario. Data includes: surficial geology units,...Resource formats:
1:250 000 scale bedrock geology of Ontario
Ministry: Mines
A 1:250 000 scale map of the bedrock geology of Ontario. This seamless GIS dataset includes such themes as bedrock units, major faults, dike swarms, iron formations and...Resource formats:
Ontario business, agri-food, and farm data profiles
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has created business, agri-food, and farm data profiles for: each region in the province (Central, Eastern, Western,...Resource formats:
Abandoned Mines information
Ministry: Mines
The Abandoned Mines information system (AMIS) is a database containing information on known abandoned mine sites and mine hazard features located on both Crown and privately...Resource formats:
Drainage engineers
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset contains a list of engineers that have authored reports under the Drainage Act, 1990. Engineers are appointed by local municipalities to complete drainage projects...Resource formats:
Constructed drains
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This data keeps the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness' records of modified or newly constructed drainage systems current. Constructed drains include ditches,...Resource formats:
Tile drainage contractors
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset contains a list of licensed tile drainage contractors in Ontario who design and install agricultural tile drainage systems. These contractors hold a valid business...Resource formats:
Drainage superintendents
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset contains a list of drainage superintendents who are appointed by the local municipality to manage drains constructed under the Drainage Act, 1990. Drainage...Resource formats:
Tile drainage area
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get the locations of drainage tiles installed by licenced agricultural drainage contractors. As a requirement of the license, each contractor must report the location of new...Resource formats:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The data sets show historical greenhouse gas emissions and emission changes for selected years, in megatonnes of CO2 equivalent. Historical estimates are based on Environment...Resource formats:
Provincial Park Regulated
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ontario provincial parks are classified as one of the following : Wilderness Nature Reserve Cultural Heritage Natural Environment Waterway Recreational These parks are managed...Resource formats: