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Oak Ridges Moraine: planning area
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset was created to establish a permanent boundary. Lands within this boundary are subject to the principles contained in the Oak Ridges Moraine Legislation. Boundary is...Resource formats:
Oak Ridges Moraine: land use designations
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset was created to provide land use information on the Oak Ridges Moraine and is the basis for Ontario Regulation 140/02. The data was digitized at 1:10,000 or better...Resource formats:
Fuel and gasoline tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list enables consumers and dealers to identify those authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute products like gasoline, propane, and clear or dyed diesel...Resource formats:
Ontario Digital Terrain Model (Lidar-Derived)
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Ontario Lidar Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Geospatial Ontario (GEO) Dataset is a raster product representing the bare-earth terrain derived from a classified lidar point...Resource formats:
Ontario Digital Elevation Model (Imagery-Derived)
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The digital elevation models (DEM) are 2 m resolution raster elevation products that were generated from the Ontario Classified Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) data. The point...Resource formats:
Geospatial Ontario imagery
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
View spatial imagery of Ontario captured by satellite or airplane. Background Every five years, the Ministry of Natural Resources coordinates projects to photograph high...Resource formats:
Lake Simcoe Monitoring
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Lake Simcoe lake monitoring program provides measurements of chemical and physical water quality limits such as total phosphorus, nitrogen, chlorophyll a, pH, alkalinity,...Resource formats:
Fish Culture Operation, Ministry of Natural Resources
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Fish Culture Operation MNR identifies the locations of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) fish culture stations (or hatcheries) and sub- stations. The data set...Resource formats:
Aggregate Site Authorized
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset represents the locations of licenced and permitted pits and quarries regulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry under the Aggregate Resources Act,...Resource formats:
Aggregate Designated Area
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This spatial dataset represents the boundaries of areas designated under the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O 1990 where a licence or permit is required for aggregate extraction....Resource formats:
Wildlife management units
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Wildlife Management Units are used for a number of wildlife management purposes, like indicating the areas of Ontario where hunting open seasons and harvest quotas apply....Resource formats:
Plant atlas for St. Lawrence Islands National Park
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The digital atlas contains distribution information of dominant forests plants, species assemblages (vegetation types), and some habitat and structural characteristics occurring...Resource formats:
Fish Habitat Type – Parry Sound district
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Fish Habitat Type Data for Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's Parry Sound District used for fisheries management.Resource formats:
Niagara Escarpment Plan policy area
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Niagara Escarpment Special Policy Area is comprised of the North Aldershot Policy Area and the Waterdown Policy Area. More informationResource formats:
Niagara Escarpment Plan land use designations
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Depicts the internal boundaries of the Niagara Escarpment Plan area. The 7 land use designations are: escarpment natural area escarpment protection area escarpment rural area...Resource formats:
Niagara Escarpment Plan boundary
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The purpose of this dataset is to depict the boundaries of the Niagara Escarpment Plan. The outer boundary of the area covered by the Niagara Escarpment Plan is fixed and...Resource formats:
Minor urban centres in the Niagara Escarpment Plan
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Minor urban center is one of the 7 Niagara Escarpment Plan land use designations. This designation includes rural settlements, villages and hamlets. The boundaries of minor...Resource formats:
Wildlife habitat matrices and habitat descriptions for rare vascular plants
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Please note that the information contained within this appendix is considered to be a snapshot in time when the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide was developed. We...Resource formats:
Fishing access points
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Examples include: shoreline access enhanced shoreline access (with a dock or pier) boat launches This data was created to be used as part of the Fish ON-Line mapping application.Resource formats:
Fisheries Management Zone
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Fisheries Management Zones have replaced former Fishing Divisions and are the geographic basis for managing, monitoring, assessing and regulating recreational fisheries for a...Resource formats: