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Ontario livestock prices
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset shows annual average prices received by Ontario livestock farmers for: bulls cows steers heifers calves cattle pigs hogs sheep lambs unprocessed milk from bovine...Resource formats:
Course Enrolment in Grade 9 Math by Course Type
Ministry: Education
Public and Catholic board-level course enrolment in Grade 9 Math by course type (academic, applied and locally developed) for each academic year. School boards report this data...Resource formats:
Security guard and private investigative services industry data
Ministry: Solicitor General
Data on Ontario’s licensed security guards, private investigators and the registered agencies which employ them. The data includes the number of licensed: security guards...Resource formats:
Ontario soybeans supply and disposition
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get data on the supply and disposition for Ontario soybeans. Includes statistical data on: harvested area yield farm value dispositionResource formats:
Recreational fishing regulations data
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This spatial dataset contains a summary of fishing regulations and fish sanctuary descriptions. The data includes information on: species catch and possession limits size...Resource formats:
Online Learning Course Enrolment Totals by Course
Ministry: Education
Online learning (e-learning) course enrolment totals by course and year for public and Catholic schools. School boards report this data using the Ontario School Information...Resource formats:
Locally developed course enrolment in secondary schools
Ministry: Education
Locally developed courses are developed by school boards to accommodate educational needs that are not met through courses offered by the provincial curriculum. These courses...Resource formats:
Ontario grain corn supply and disposition
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get data on the supply and disposition for Ontario Grain Corn. Includes statistical data on: harvested area yield farm value dispositionResource formats:
Ontario’s provincial correctional institution locations
Ministry: Solicitor General
Information about Ontario's provincial correctional institutions. The information includes: institution name facility type gender region street city province country postal...Resource formats:
Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Report
Ministry: Infrastructure
Learn about our progress meeting energy conservation targets and reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.Resource formats:
Expulsion rates by school board
Ministry: Education
Data includes: board number board name number of students expelled expulsion rate This dataset displays the number of students expelled by academic year for all publicly...Resource formats:
Environmental Compliance Reports
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Every year, the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks publicly releases the Environmental Compliance Report on the Ontario Data Catalogue. In Ontario, all...Resource formats:
Suspension rates by school board
Ministry: Education
Data includes: board number board name number of students suspended suspension rate This dataset displays the number of students suspended by academic year for all publicly...Resource formats:
Ontario Provincial Police Detachments and Bureau Listing
Ministry: Solicitor General
This database includes information on OPP Host and Satellite Detachments that comprise each cluster within the province, broken down by OPP Regional Structure. It lists all...Resource formats:
Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre admissions to custody
Ministry: Solicitor General
This dataset provides the number of male and female inmates admitted to the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre covering fiscal years 2005-06 through to 2017-18. Admissions from a...Resource formats:
Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre average daily counts
Ministry: Solicitor General
This dataset provides the average daily count of male and female inmates being held in the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre covering fiscal years 2005-06 through to 2017-18....Resource formats:
Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre specialized unit hold counts
Ministry: Solicitor General
This dataset provides the average daily count of male and female inmates held in specialized units at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre covering fiscal years 2005-06 through...Resource formats:
Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre admissions alerts
Ministry: Solicitor General
This dataset provides the percentage of all male and female inmate admissions to the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre with an alert covering fiscal years 2005-06 through to...Resource formats:
Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre utilization rates
Ministry: Solicitor General
The utilization rate provides a metric reflecting how much of the operational capacity is in use at the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre from fiscal year 2005-06 to 2017-18. For...Resource formats:
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Park’s Common Service Standards performance results
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This dataset contains a yearly comparison summary of MECP's average for meeting the standards. The CSS categories are: telephone in-person e-mail/online mail/fax social...Resource formats: