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Carbon cycle study—White River and Big Creek wetlands
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The goal of this carbon cycle study is to: better understand wetland carbon uptake and losses to the atmosphere across watersheds evaluate wetland carbon’s usefulness as a...Resource formats:
Snow Survey measurement locations
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset contains location information for 2 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife (SNOW),...Resource formats:
Bait Management Zones
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Ontario is divided into 4 Bait Management Zones (BMZs) that regulate the movement, possession and use of baitfish and leeches: Southern BMZ Central BMZ Northeastern BMZ...Resource formats:
Beech regeneration control in stands affected by beech bark disease
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Evaluates the effects of silvicultural activities (tending, harvest intensity) and timing (pre, during and post-harvest) on forest productivity and regeneration of beech and...Resource formats:
Woodlands Improvement Act areas
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Data from the former Kemptville, Midhurst and Aylmer Districts were compiled in this dataset to show forest areas on private land, managed by the landowner in cooperation with...Resource formats:
Aquatic ecosystem classification for Ontario (AEC)
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The aquatic ecosystem classification (AEC) is a science-based tool that groups and classifies Ontario’s rivers and streams based on their: physical attributes, such as water...Resource formats:
Ontario radar digital surface model
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Ontario Radar DSM has the following features: source data: 1 arc second spaceborne C-Band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) data MNR Lambert Conformal Conic...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Service Region
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The OPS has adopted these boundaries for administrative and functional purposes which will facilitate enterprise initiatives and enhance customer service. We are no longer...Resource formats:
Ontario Hydro Network - Watercourse
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Watercourses are line features - natural or manmade - that represent the location of flowing surface water. This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic...Resource formats:
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Wetlands are lands that are seasonally or permanently flooded by shallow water. They also include lands where the water table is close to the surface. The wetland polygons are...Resource formats:
Historic bathymetry maps
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Bathymetry is the measurement of water depth in lakes. From the 1940s to the 1990s, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry produced bathymetry maps for over 11,000 lakes...Resource formats:
Social Assistance Caseloads
Ministry: Children, Community and Social Services
Data prior to April 1998 includes recipients of: general welfare assistance family benefits foster care handicapped children benefits Data from April 1, 1998 onward includes...Resource formats:
Ontario Assessment File Database
Ministry: Mines
Assessment Files contains the technical results from all exploration work done in the province of Ontario. Data includes: details on location, property ownership, type of work...Resource formats:
Ontario Mineral Inventory
Ministry: Mines
The Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI) database (previously known as the Mineral Deposit Inventory or MDI database) provides an overview of mineral occurrences in the province of...Resource formats:
Ontario Drill Hole Database
Ministry: Mines
The Ontario Drill Hole dataset contains index information for more than 126,000 percussion, overburden, sonic and diamond drill holes from assessment files on record with the...Resource formats:
Hotel statistics
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Data includes occupancy rates, average daily rates, and revenue per available room.Resource formats:
Incidents and closures
Ministry: Transportation
This date set contains up-to date information regarding active events, including incidents and closures on provincially owned and maintained highways, and is available to be...Resource formats:
College graduate outcomes survey
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
Key performance indicator (KPI) data for public colleges includes the latest feedback from current college students, graduates and employers. The values for each key performance...Resource formats:
College graduation rate
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
Graduation Rate (expressed as a percentage) Commencing 2000 to 2001, Graduation Rates are based on tracking individual students, where, for example, the 2022 to 2023 KPI...Resource formats:
Ontario Builds: key infrastructure projects
Ministry: Infrastructure
This is a sample of key infrastructure projects happening in Ontario. Projects will be added and updated on an ongoing basis. The dataset includes: project name category...Resource formats: