Coroner’s Inquest Records Valid data


This dataset details information about the individuals whose deaths were the subject of a coroner’s inquest as provided in the inquest jury’s verdict at the conclusion of the inquest.

For each inquest, the dataset includes information about the deceased based on the inquest verdict, including the identity of the decedent (the individual who died), and when, where, how (the medical cause of death), and by what means they died. Administrative data related to the inquest is also included (e.g., the inquest category, file number, the date the inquest started and ended).

Recommendations and responses for each inquest can be found in the inquest_data.csv dataset by searching for the Inquest Number that links both datasets.

Note: The names of youth (ages 0 to 18) who were the subject of an inquest have been redacted from the dataset.

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Data dictionary

Column Type Description
Year Numeric

The calendar year in which the inquest was held.

Inquest_No. Text

The Office of the Chief Coroner's unique identifier for an inquest file.

Category Text

The type of inquest, such as Institutional, Law Enforcement, Workplace or Discretionary.

Subcategory Text

This variable is unique to institutional or workplace-related inquests. For institutional inquests, it captures if the death occurred in a federal correctional institution (operated by the Correctional Service of Canada) or a provincial correctional institution (operated by the Ministry of the Solicitor General). For workplace inquests, it captures if the death resulted from an accident at a construction project, or from an accident at or in a mining plant/mine.

Institution_Police_Service Text

The name of the police service or correctional institution that was involved with and/or had custody of the decedent at the time of their death.

Last_Name Text

The surname of the decedent.

First_Name Text

The given name of the decedent.

Sex Text

The decedents assigned sex at birth.

Age Numeric

The decedents age at the time of death.

Date_of_Death Date

The date of death.

Manner_of_Death Text

The classification or manner of death (i.e., by what means the death occurred) based on the five manners of death used in Ontario death investigations.

Cause_of_Death Text

The medical cause of death as determined by the verdict of the inquest jury at the conclusion of the inquest.

Inquest_Start_Date Date

The first day on which the inquest was convened before a jury.

Inquest_End_Date Date

The final day on which the inquest was held.

Additional information

Last updated
March 21, 2025
March 21, 2025
File size
41 KiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Coroner’s Inquest Records
Data made public date
March 21, 2025
Data range start
January 1, 2018
Data range end
December 31, 2024
Validation status
Validation timestamp

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