2022 municipal/private sewage

URL: https://files.ontario.ca/moe_mapping/downloads/4Other/ECR/2022_Municipal_Private_Sewage_All_Regions_FR.csv

Every year, the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks publicly releases the Environmental Compliance Report on the Ontario Data Catalogue.

In Ontario, all facilities with regulated wastewater discharges or air emissions under the Ontario Water Resources Act and the Environmental Protection Act must monitor and report any cases where approved operating limits have been exceeded. That information is compiled annually into the Environmental Compliance Report.

Currently the latest three years are available directly below in Excel and can be viewed in CSV. Earlier years have been zipped up for ease of viewing and download.

What is the report

The report demonstrates how we are meeting our Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan commitment to hold polluters accountable for their actions. It includes information about steps taken by facilities to achieve compliance with environmental laws and information about ministry-led enforcement actions, including penalties and prosecutions.

Keywords: private sewage, industrial sewage, environmental compliance, ecr

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Additional information

Last updated
December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023
File size
unknown size
Open Government Licence – Ontario
2022 municipal/private sewage
Data made public date
December 29, 2023
Data range start
January 1, 2022
Data range end
December 31, 2022

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