Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region


A comprehensive list of inland Ontario lakes (exclusive of the Great Lakes) that are currently designated for Lake Trout management.

The list classifies the lakes as to whether they are to be managed for naturally reproducing populations (‘Natural’ lakes) or as put-grow-take (‘P-G-T’) lakes. ‘Natural’ lakes include those lakes that may have lost populations but have been identified for rehabilitation. ‘P-G-T’ lakes are managed to provide recreational fishing opportunities and/or to direct angling effort away from more sensitive ‘Natural’ lakes.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources policies or guidelines may be applied differently to designated Lake Trout lakes depending on the lake classification.

For more information, see: Inland lakes designated for lake trout management

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Column Type Description
Lake name Text
Geographic township Text
District Text
Waterbody identifier Text
Latitude Text
Longitude Text

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Last updated
October 24, 2023
February 26, 2020
File size
51.8 KiB
King's Printer for Ontario
Natural Lake Trout Lakes in Northwest Region
Data made public date
January 31, 2019

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