A field visit occurs when a ministry inspector visits a workplace to assess compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and regulations. A workplace is considered any land, premises, physical location or thing at, upon, in or near which a worker work. An inspector may visit the same workplace multiple times.
During the field visit, the inspector can issue orders to different companies ("contraveners") at a workplace to achieve compliance with OHSA and regulations. Inspectors can also issue legal direction to workplace parties notifying them of their obligation to co-operate and to provide requested information.
This dataset includes the:
- date of the field visit
- type of visit (for example, initial or follow-up)
- case type (inspection or investigation)
- case status
- workplace visited, including workplace ID, name, location and NAICS code
- contravener's name and role, where applicable
- orders issued under OHSA and regulations, where applicable
[OHSA]: Occupational Health and Safety Act [NAICS]: North American Industry Classification System
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Additional information
- Last updated
- April 18, 2023
- Created
- April 20, 2023
- Format
- application/csv
- File size
- 40 MiB
- Licence
- Open Government Licence – Ontario
- Name
- 2021
- Type
- Data
- Language
- English
- Data made public date
- April 20, 2023
- Data range start
- January 1, 2021
- Data range end
- December 31, 2021
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