Please Note: 2021 Data was not received from the following libraries: Chippewas of Nawash FN, Mississauga FN, New Credit FN, Rainy River FN, Sachigo Lake FN, Sheshegwaning FN, Simcoe County Co-operative, Wabauskang FN, Wasauksing FN, Wikwemikong FN
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Data dictionary
Column | Type | Description |
Library Full Name | Text | |
Library Number | Text | |
Survey Year From | Text | |
A1.3 Ontario Library Service (OLS) Region (English) | Text | |
A1.4 Type of Library Service (English) | Text | |
A1.5 Mailing Address | Text | |
A1.9 Street Address | Text | |
A1.10 City/Town | Text | |
A1.11 Province | Text | |
A1.12 Postal Code | Text | |
A1.13 Web Site Address | Text | |
A1.14 No. of Active Library Cardholders | Text | |
B1.1 Net Balance brought forward from previous year | Text | |
B2.1.1 Public Library Operating Grant (PLOG) | Text | |
B2.1.2 Pay Equity Grant | Text | |
B2.1.3 First Nation Salary Supplement Grant | Text | |
B2.1.4 Total Provincial Operating Funding | Text | |
B2.2 Local Operating Funding e.g. Municipality or Band local o | Text | |
B2.3 Contract Revenue (funds from other municipalities, neighb | Text | |
B2.4.1.03 Trillium Foundation funding | Text | |
B2.4.1.04 Provincial student employment funding | Text | |
B2.4.1.05 ServiceOntario | Text | |
B2.4.1.08 Young Canada Works | Text | |
B2.4.1.99 Other Project Grant | Text | |
B2.4.1a Total Project Grants | Text | |
B2.5 Donations (monies donated by outside bodies, e.g. Friends | Text | |
B2.6 Self Generated Revenue (e.g. fines, fees, sales/fundraisi | Text | |
B2.7 Debt Services and Reserve Fund Revenues | Text | |
B2.8 Other (Specify any other source of funds not included abo | Text | |
B2.9 Total Operating Revenues | Text | |
B3.1 Provincial | Text | |
B3.2 Federal | Text | |
B3.3 Local | Text | |
B3.4 Other (specify any other source of funds not included abo | Text | |
B3.5 Total Capital Revenues | Text | |
B4.01 Materials | Text | |
B4.01.1 General (Include all physical items that are not elect | Text | |
B4.01.2 Electronic (e.g. electronic subscriptions and other da | Text | |
B4.02.1 Total funds (not including employee benefits) | Text | |
B4.02.2 Employee Benefits | Text | |
B4.03 Staff Training (Total funds spent on staff training, inc | Text | |
B4.04 Facilities/Utilities Costs related to library facility o | Text | |
B4.05.1 Telephone and Fax | Text | |
B4.05.2 Dedicated Internet Connectivity Costs e.g. wireless, I | Text | |
B4.06 Computer Services (Total spent on computer equipment and | Text | |
B4.07 Debt Charges and Transfers to Reserve Funds | Text | |
B4.08 Funds returned to government sources | Text | |
B4.09 Contract payments made to library board for library serv | Text | |
B4.10 Other (specify all other expenditures not reported above | Text | |
B5.0 Total Operating Expenditures | Text | |
B6.0 Total Capital Expenditures (funds expended on land, build | Text | |
C0.1.E English Print Titles Held | Text | |
C0.1.F French Print Titles Held | Text | |
C0.1.O Other Print Titles Held | Text | |
C0.1.T Total Print Titles Held | Text | |
C0.2.E English Print Volumes Held | Text | |
C0.2.F French Print Volumes Held | Text | |
C0.2.O Other Print Volumes Held | Text | |
C0.2.T Total Print Volumes Held | Text | |
C0.3.1.E English CD and DVD Titles | Text | |
C0.3.1.F French CD and DVD Titles | Text | |
C0.3.1.O Other CD and DVD Titles | Text | |
C0.3.1.T Total CD and DVD Titles | Text | |
C0.3.2.E English CD and DVD Copies | Text | |
C0.3.2.F French CD and DVD Copies | Text | |
C0.3.2.O Other CD and DVD Copies | Text | |
C0.3.2.T Total CD and DVD Copies | Text | |
C0.3.5.E English E-Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.5.F French E-Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.5.O Other E-Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.5.T Total E-Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.6.E English E-Book Copies | Text | |
C0.3.6.F French E-Book Copies | Text | |
C0.3.6.O Other E-Book Copies | Text | |
C0.3.6.T Total E-Book Copies | Text | |
C0.3.7.E English E-Audio Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.7.F French E-Audio Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.7.O Other E-Audio Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.7.T Total E-Audio Book Titles | Text | |
C0.3.8.E English E-Audio Book Copies | Text | |
C0.3.8.F French E-Audio Book Copies | Text | |
C0.3.8.O Other E-Audio Book Copies | Text | |
C0.3.8.T Total E-Audio Book Copies | Text | |
C0.4.E English Special Collections - Original Format | Text | |
C0.4.F French Special Collections - Original Format | Text | |
C0.4.O Other Special Collections - Original Format | Text | |
C0.4.T Total Special Collections - Original Format | Text | |
C0.5.E English Special Collections - Digital Format | Text | |
C0.5.F French Special Collections - Digital Format | Text | |
C0.5.O Other Special Collections - Digital Format | Text | |
C0.5.T Total Special Collections - Digital Format | Text | |
C3.1.E English Print Periodical Titles Held | Text | |
C3.1.F French Print Periodical Titles Held | Text | |
C3.1.O Other Print Periodical Titles Held | Text | |
C3.1.T Total Print Periodical Titles Held | Text | |
C3.2.0.E English Databases and Database Subscriptions | Text | |
C3.2.0.F French Databases and Database Subscriptions | Text | |
C3.2.0.O Other Databases and Database Subscriptions | Text | |
C3.2.0.T Total Databases and Database Subscriptions | Text | |
C4.1.F No | Text | |
C4.1.T Yes | Text | |
C4.2 If yes, how many | Text | |
C4.3.01 Freegal | Text | |
C4.3.02 Freading | Text | |
C4.3.03 Hoopla | Text | |
C4.3.05 IndieFlix | Text | |
C4.3.06 Flipster | Text | |
C4.3.07 Naxos | Text | |
C4.3.14 Kanopy | Text | |
C4.3.15 PressReader | Text | |
C4.3.16 OverDrive Magazines | Text | |
C4.3.90 Other | Text | |
C5.1 If you provide e-learning services (e.g. Gale Courses, Le | Text | |
C5.1.1.09 Gale Courses | Text | |
C5.1.1.10 Learning Express | Text | |
C5.1.1.11 Mango Languages | Text | |
C5.1.1.12 Brainfuse | Text | |
C5.1.1.17 LinkedIn Learning | Text | |
C5.1.1.18 Universal Class | Text | |
C5.1.1.90 Other | Text | |
C5.2 How many cardholders took e-learning courses? | Text | |
C5.3 How many e-learning courses were taken in total by cardho | Text | |
D1.0.H How many hours per week in your library constitute a fu | Text | |
D1.1.1.C Librarians | Text | |
D1.1.2.C Library Technicians | Text | |
D1.1.3.1.C Other Specialized Professional Staff | Text | |
D1.1.3.C EXCEL Graduates | Text | |
D1.1.4.C Other Staff | Text | |
D1.1.5.C Volunteers | Text | |
D1.2.1.C Librarians | Text | |
D1.2.1.H Librarians | Text | |
D1.2.2.C Library Technicians | Text | |
D1.2.2.H Library Technicians | Text | |
D1.2.3.1.C Other Specialized Professional Staff | Text | |
D1.2.3.1.H Other Specialized Professional Staff | Text | |
D1.2.3.C EXCEL Graduates | Text | |
D1.2.3.H EXCEL Graduates | Text | |
D1.2.4.C Other Staff | Text | |
D1.2.4.H Other Staff | Text | |
D1.2.5.C Volunteers | Text | |
D1.2.5.H Volunteers | Text | |
D1.301.C Please provide the total number of students, co-op st | Text | |
E1.1 Total No. of Public Access Workstations available in your | Text | |
E1.1.1 Provide Internet access | Text | |
E1.1.2 Provide OPAC and/or ILS Access | Text | |
E1.1.4 Total number of lending laptops, netbooks and tablets e | Text | |
E1.2 E-readers | Text | |
E2.1.F Does your library have an automated catalogue system? | Text | |
E2.1.T Does your library have an automated catalogue system? | Text | |
E2.3.F Does your library provide wireless Internet connection? | Text | |
E2.3.T Does your library provide wireless Internet connection? | Text | |
E2.4.F Does your library have a 3D Printer(s) | Text | |
E2.4.T Does your library have a 3D Printer(s) | Text | |
E2.5 If yes state how many: | Text | |
E2.6.F Does your library have a Maker Space, mobile Maker Spac | Text | |
E2.6.T Does your library have a Maker Space, mobile Maker Spac | Text | |
E2.7 If yes state how many: | Text | |
E2.801 If your library provides circulating wireless hot spot d | Text | |
E3.1.SPC Main Library | Text | |
E3.1.SPH Main Library | Text | |
E3.2.SPC Branches open 12 hours per week or more | Text | |
E3.2.SPH Branches open 12 hours per week or more | Text | |
E3.3.SPC Branches open less than 12 hours per week | Text | |
E3.3.SPH Branches open less than 12 hours per week | Text | |
E3.4.SPC Bookmobile stop locations | Text | |
E3.4.SPH Bookmobile stop locations | Text | |
E3.5.SPC Deposit Stations and Kiosks (refer to criteria) | Text | |
E3.5.SPH Deposit Stations and Kiosks (refer to criteria) | Text | |
E3.6.SPC No. of Bookmobiles owned by your library board | Text | |
E4.1 If your library rents or books meeting rooms or other par | Text | |
E5.1 If your library has one or more pop-up libraries, how man | Text | |
E6.1 If your library has pop-up libraries, study halls, hold l | Text | |
E7.1 In the space provided, please provide the total, combined | Text | |
F1.0 Total Annual Circulation (Actual Annual Circulation of Ph | Text | |
F1.1 Total Annual E-Book Downloads / Borrows (Actual Annual Di | Text | |
F1.2 Total Annual E-Audio Book Downloads / Borrows (Actual Ann | Text | |
F1.3 Total Annual Music Downloads / Borrows (Actual Annual Dir | Text | |
F1.4 Total Annual Video Downloads / Borrows (Actual Annual Dir | Text | |
F1.5 Total Annual E-Magazine Downloads / Borrows (Actual Annua | Text | |
F2.1.P No. of programs held annually | Text | |
F2.2.A Annual program attendance | Text | |
F2.301.Attendance Early literacy and Early learning | Text | |
F2.301.Programs Early literacy and Early learning | Text | |
F2.302.Attendance Other Children's programming | Text | |
F2.302.Programs Other Children's programming | Text | |
F2.303.Attendance Summer Reading | Text | |
F2.303.Programs Summer Reading | Text | |
F2.304.Attendance Homework help | Text | |
F2.304.Programs Homework help | Text | |
F2.305.Attendance Class instruction at a library or school | Text | |
F2.305.Programs Class instruction at a library or school | Text | |
F2.306.Attendance Teen programming | Text | |
F2.306.Programs Teen programming | Text | |
F2.307.Attendance Newcomer focus | Text | |
F2.307.Programs Newcomer focus | Text | |
F2.308.Attendance Careers, job help / skills | Text | |
F2.308.Programs Careers, job help / skills | Text | |
F2.309.Attendance Business Development | Text | |
F2.309.Programs Business Development | Text | |
F2.310.Attendance Community Development | Text | |
F2.310.Programs Community Development | Text | |
F2.311.Attendance Technology, social media and computer litera | Text | |
F2.311.Programs Technology, social media and computer literacy | Text | |
F2.311a.Attendance Maker space, Digital media lab, Self-publis | Text | |
F2.311a.Programs Maker space, Digital media lab, Self-publishi | Text | |
F2.312.Attendance Genealogy, local history, Doors Open | Text | |
F2.312.Programs Genealogy, local history, Doors Open | Text | |
F2.313.Attendance Adult learning (not covered elsewhere) | Text | |
F2.313.Programs Adult learning (not covered elsewhere) | Text | |
F2.314.Attendance Seniors programming | Text | |
F2.314.Programs Seniors programming | Text | |
F2.315.Attendance Culture Days, poetry and story readings, art | Text | |
F2.315.Programs Culture Days, poetry and story readings, art s | Text | |
F2.316.Attendance First Nations Public Library Week | Text | |
F2.316.Programs First Nations Public Library Week | Text | |
F2.317.Attendance First Nation Communities Reads | Text | |
F2.317.Programs First Nation Communities Reads | Text | |
F2.317a.Attendance Indigenous language training and retention | Text | |
F2.317a.Programs Indigenous language training and retention | Text | |
F2.318.Attendance Ontario Public Library Week / Canadian Libra | Text | |
F2.318.Programs Ontario Public Library Week / Canadian Library | Text | |
F2.319.Attendance Book Clubs | Text | |
F2.319.Programs Book Clubs | Text | |
F2.320.Attendance Other | Text | |
F2.320.Programs Other | Text | |
F2.4.1 If you provide service visits to residence-bound people | Text | |
F3.1.1 No. of requests made to other libraries | Text | |
F3.1.2 No. of items being borrowed | Text | |
F3.2.1 No. of requests received from other libraries | Text | |
F3.2.2 No. of items lent | Text | |
G1.1.1.W All circulation except E-books, downloadable audio bo | Text | |
G1.1.2.W All circulation for E-books, downloadable audio books | Text | |
G1.1.3.W Total circulation of all library materials | Text | |
G1.2.1.W Total In Library Materials Use | Text | |
G1.3.1.W No. of people using library workstations | Text | |
G1.3.2.W No. of times electronic databases are accessed by lib | Text | |
G1.3.3.W No. of people using public library wireless connectio | Text | |
G1.3.4.W No. of people using Maker Spaces, Digital Media labs, | Text | |
G1.4.1.W No. of standard reference transactions | Text | |
G1.4.2.W No. of electronic reference transactions | Text | |
G1.4.3.W No. of Reader's Advisory transactions | Text | |
G1.4.4.W No. of Information Communication Technology, software | Text | |
G1.4.5.W Average staff time in minutes per Information Communi | Text | |
G1.4.6.W Number of times accessible material, equipment or dev | Text | |
G1.5.1.W No. of visits to the library made in person | Text | |
G1.5.2.W No. of electronic visits to the library website | Text | |
H1.1.1.01 Books | Text | |
H1.1.1.02 E-books | Text | |
H1.1.1.03 Databases and Other Downloadable Services | Text | |
H1.1.1.04 Computer software | Text | |
H1.1.1.05 Connectivity | Text | |
H1.1.1.06 Integrated Library systems | Text | |
H1.1.1.07 Corporate Discount Programs | Text | |
H1.1.1.08 Municipal and Local government | Text | |
H1.1.1.92 Other Types of Consortia | Text | |
H1.1.201 Please list any libraries with which you have such ag | Text | |
H1.1.3.1 Accessibility-specific equipment (such as Daisy reade | Text | |
H1.1.3.2 Accessibility training for staff that was delivered i | Text | |
H1.1.3.3 Accessibility accomplishments, for example accessibil | Text | |
H1.1.3.4 Active library patron participation in CELA (Centre f | Text | |
H1.1.3.5 Ongoing accessible collections and services that your | Text | |
H1.2.1.F No | Text | |
H1.2.1.T Yes | Text | |
H1.2.2 If Yes, provide number of Friends organizations your pu | Text | |
H1.2.3.F No | Text | |
H1.2.3.T Yes | Text | |
H1.2.4 If Yes, provide number of Foundations your public libra | Text | |
H1.3.1.F No | Text | |
H1.3.1.T Yes | Text | |
H1.3.2.10 Instagram | Text | |
H1.3.2.11 Blogs | Text | |
H1.3.2.12 Twitter | Text | |
H1.3.2.13 Facebook | Text | |
H1.3.2.15 RSS feeds | Text | |
H1.3.2.16 Flickr | Text | |
H1.3.2.17 YouTube | Text | |
H1.3.2.18 LinkedIn | Text | |
H1.3.2.19 Pinterest | Text | |
H1.3.2.20 Tumblr | Text | |
H1.3.2.60 Snapchat | Text | |
H1.3.2.61 TikTok | Text | |
H1.3.2.90 Other Social Media | Text | |
H1.4.1.F No | Text | |
H1.4.1.T Yes | Text | |
H1.4.2 If Yes, how many? | Text | |
H1.4.3.21 Community museums | Text | |
H1.4.3.22 Art galleries | Text | |
H1.4.3.23 Municipal cultural planning partnerships | Text | |
H1.4.3.24 Archives | Text | |
H1.4.3.25 Heritage Organizations | Text | |
H1.4.3.26 Ethno-cultural and Newcomer Service Organizations | Text | |
H1.4.3.93 Other Cultural Partners | Text | |
H1.5.1.F No | Text | |
H1.5.1.T Yes | Text | |
H1.5.2 If Yes, how many? | Text | |
H1.5.3.40 Early Childhood Organizations | Text | |
H1.5.3.41 School boards, including local schools and local edu | Text | |
H1.5.3.42 Community Colleges | Text | |
H1.5.3.43 Universities | Text | |
H1.5.3.44 Distance Education | Text | |
H1.5.3.94 Other Education Sector Partners | Text | |
H1.5.4 Please provide highlights or examples of your library's | Text | |
H1.7.1.F No | Text | |
H1.7.1.T Yes | Text | |
H1.7.2.31 ServiceOntario | Text | |
H1.7.2.32 ESDC | Text | |
H1.7.2.34 Municipal services (e.g. licences) | Text | |
H1.7.2.35 Health | Text | |
H1.7.2.91 Other government Service Partnerships | Text | |
H1.7.3 Please provide highlights or examples of your library's | Text | |
H1.8.1.F No | Text | |
H1.8.1.T Yes | Text | |
H1.8.2.1 If your library has planned but not yet funded future | Text | |
H1.8.2.1.PC If your library has planned but not yet funded fut | Text | |
H1.8.2.1.SF If your library has planned but not yet funded fut | Text | |
H1.8.2.PC Please outline your projects in the field below. Pro | Text | |
H1.8.3.F No | Text | |
H1.8.3.T Yes | Text | |
H1.8.4.TN Please outline your technology needs in the field be | Text | |
H1.9.1.F No | Text | |
H1.9.1.T Yes | Text | |
H1.9.2.51 Chamber of Commerce | Text | |
H1.9.2.52 Business Improvement Area (BIA) | Text | |
H1.9.2.95 Other Business and Economic Sector Partnerships | Text | |
H1.9.3 Please provide highlights or examples of your library's | Text | |
P1.1 Resident Population Served | Text | |
P1.2 Contracting Population Served | Text | |
P2.1 Contracting Households Served | Text | |
P2.2 Resident Households Served | Text |
Additional information
- Last updated
- October 12, 2022
- Created
- October 12, 2022
- Format
- application/csv
- File size
- 417.9 KiB
- Licence
- Open Government Licence – Ontario
- Name
- 2021
- Type
- Data
- Language
- English
- Data made public date
- October 12, 2022
- Data range start
- January 1, 2021
- Data range end
- December 31, 2021
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