URL: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/363fff31-6a07-41eb-9922-e9b64192b08b/resource/751b0de6-9dcf-46aa-a19b-69a62e222617/download/ontario_public_library_statistics_open_data_2023.csv

Please Note: 2023 Data was not received from the following libraries and contracting municipalities: Aundeck-Omni-Kaning First Nation, Chippewas of Nawash First Nation, Magnetawan First Nation, Michipicoten First Nation, Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, Naotkamegwanning First Nation, New Credit First Nation, Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation, Rainy River First Nation, Wabauskang First Nation, Wikwemikong First Nation, Aweres LSB, the Municipality of Calvin, Hurkett LSB, Jocelyn Township, and Jogues LSB.

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Data dictionary

Column Type Description
Library Full Name Text
Library Number Text
Survey Year From Text
A1.3 Ontario Library Service (OLS) Region (English) Text
A1.4 Type of Library Service (English) Text
A1.5 Mailing Address Text
A1.9 Street Address Text
A1.10 City/Town Text
A1.11 Province Text
A1.12 Postal Code Text
A1.13 Web Site Address Text
A1.14 No. of Active Library Cardholders Text
B1.1 Net Balance brought forward from previous year Text
B2.1.1 Public Library Operating Grant (PLOG) Text
B2.1.2 Pay Equity Grant Text
B2.1.3 First Nation Salary Supplement Grant Text
B2.1.4 Total Provincial Operating Funding Text
B2.2 Local Operating Funding Text
B2.3 Contract Revenue Text
B2.4.1.03 Trillium Foundation funding Text
B2.4.1.04 Provincial student employment funding Text
B2.4.1.05 ServiceOntario Text
B2.4.1.08 Young Canada Works Text
B2.4.1.99 Other Project Grant Text
B2.4.1a Total Project Grants Text
B2.5 Donations Text
B2.6 Self Generated Revenue Text
B2.7 Debt Services and Reserve Fund Revenues Text
B2.8 Other Operating Revenue Text
B2.9 Total Operating Revenues Text
B3.1 Provincial Text
B3.2 Federal Text
B3.3 Local Text
B3.4 Other Capital Revenue Text
B3.5 Total Capital Revenues Text
B4.01 Materials Text
B4.01.1 Physical materials Text
B4.01.2 Electronic materials Text
B4.02.1 Total funds (not including employee benefits) Text
B4.02.2 Employee Benefits Text
B4.03 Staff Training Text
B4.04 Facilities/Utilities Text
B4.05.1 Telephone and Fax Text
B4.05.2 Dedicated Internet Connectivity Costs Text
B4.06 Computer Services Text
B4.07 Debt Charges and Transfers to Reserve Funds Text
B4.08 Funds returned to government sources Text
B4.09 Contract payments for library services Text
B4.10 Other Operating Expenses Text
B5.0 Total Operating Expenditures Text
B6.0 Total Capital Expenditures Text
C0.1.E English Print Titles Held Text
C0.1.F French Print Titles Held Text
C0.1.O Other Print Titles Held Text
C0.1.T Total Print Titles Held Text
C0.2.E English Print Volumes Held Text
C0.2.F French Print Volumes Held Text
C0.2.O Other Print Volumes Held Text
C0.2.T Total Print Volumes Held Text
C0.3.1.E English CD and DVD Titles Text
C0.3.1.F French CD and DVD Titles Text
C0.3.1.O Other CD and DVD Titles Text
C0.3.1.T Total CD and DVD Titles Text
C0.3.2.E English CD and DVD Copies Text
C0.3.2.F French CD and DVD Copies Text
C0.3.2.O Other CD and DVD Copies Text
C0.3.2.T Total CD and DVD Copies Text
C0.3.5.E English E-Book Titles Text
C0.3.5.F French E-Book Titles Text
C0.3.5.O Other E-Book Titles Text
C0.3.5.T Total E-Book Titles Text
C0.3.6.E English E-Book Copies Text
C0.3.6.F French E-Book Copies Text
C0.3.6.O Other E-Book Copies Text
C0.3.6.T Total E-Book Copies Text
C0.3.7.E English E-Audio Book Titles Text
C0.3.7.F French E-Audio Book Titles Text
C0.3.7.O Other E-Audio Book Titles Text
C0.3.7.T Total E-Audio Book Titles Text
C0.3.8.E English E-Audio Book Copies Text
C0.3.8.F French E-Audio Book Copies Text
C0.3.8.O Other E-Audio Book Copies Text
C0.3.8.T Total E-Audio Book Copies Text
C0.4.E English Special Collections - Original Format Text
C0.4.F French Special Collections - Original Format Text
C0.4.O Other Special Collections - Original Format Text
C0.4.T Total Special Collections - Original Format Text
C0.5.E English Special Collections - Digital Format Text
C0.5.F French Special Collections - Digital Format Text
C0.5.O Other Special Collections - Digital Format Text
C0.5.T Total Special Collections - Digital Format Text
C3.1.E English Print Periodical Titles Held Text
C3.1.F French Print Periodical Titles Held Text
C3.1.O Other Print Periodical Titles Held Text
C3.1.T Total Print Periodical Titles Held Text
C3.2.0.E English Databases and Database Subscriptions Text
C3.2.0.F French Databases and Database Subscriptions Text
C3.2.0.O Other Databases and Database Subscriptions Text
C3.2.0.T Total Databases and Database Subscriptions Text
C4.1.F No Text
C4.1.T Yes Text
C4.2 If yes, how many Text
C4.3.01 Freegal Text
C4.3.02 Freading Text
C4.3.03 Hoopla Text
C4.3.05 IndieFlix Text
C4.3.06 Flipster Text
C4.3.07 Naxos Text
C4.3.14 Kanopy Text
C4.3.15 PressReader Text
C4.3.16 OverDrive Magazines Text
C4.3.90 Other Text
C5.1 Number of e-learning services provided Text
C5.1.1.09 Gale Courses Text
C5.1.1.10 Learning Express Text
C5.1.1.11 Mango Languages Text
C5.1.1.12 Brainfuse Text
C5.1.1.17 LinkedIn Learning Text
C5.1.1.18 Universal Class Text
C5.1.1.90 Other Text
C5.2 How many cardholders took e-learning courses? Text
C5.3 Number of e-learning courses taken Text
D1.0.H How many hours per week constitute full time Text
D1.1.1.C Librarians Text
D1.1.2.C Library Technicians Text
D1.1.3.1.C Other Specialized Professional Staff Text
D1.1.3.C EXCEL Graduates Text
D1.1.4.C Other Staff Text
D1.1.5.C Volunteers Text
D1.2.1.C Librarians Text
D1.2.1.H Librarians Text
D1.2.2.C Library Technicians Text
D1.2.2.H Library Technicians Text
D1.2.3.1.C Other Specialized Professional Staff Text
D1.2.3.1.H Other Specialized Professional Staff Text
D1.2.3.C EXCEL Graduates Text
D1.2.3.H EXCEL Graduates Text
D1.2.4.C Other Staff Text
D1.2.4.H Other Staff Text
D1.2.5.C Volunteers Text
D1.2.5.H Volunteers Text
D1.301.C Number of students, co-op students, and interns Text
E1.1 Number of Public Access Workstations Text
E1.1.1 Provide Internet access Text
E1.1.2 Provide OPAC and/or ILS Access Text
E1.1.4 Number of portable devices for lending Text
E1.2 E-readers Text
E2.1.F Does your library have an automated catalogue system? Text
E2.1.T Does your library have an automated catalogue system? Text
E2.3.F Does your library provide wireless Internet connection? Text
E2.3.T Does your library provide wireless Internet connection? Text
E2.4.F Does your library have a 3D Printer(s) Text
E2.4.T Does your library have a 3D Printer(s) Text
E2.5 If yes state how many: Text
E2.6.F Does your library have a Maker Space, etc. Text
E2.6.T Does your library have a Maker Space, etc. Text
E2.7 If yes state how many: Text
E2.801 How many circulating wireless hot spot devices Text
E3.1.SPC Main Library Text
E3.1.SPH Main Library Text
E3.2.SPC Branches open 12 hours per week or more Text
E3.2.SPH Branches open 12 hours per week or more Text
E3.3.SPC Branches open less than 12 hours per week Text
E3.3.SPH Branches open less than 12 hours per week Text
E3.4.SPC Bookmobile stop locations Text
E3.4.SPH Bookmobile stop locations Text
E3.5.SPC Deposit Stations and Kiosks (refer to criteria) Text
E3.5.SPH Deposit Stations and Kiosks (refer to criteria) Text
E3.6.SPC No. of Bookmobiles owned by your library board Text
E4.1 Number of room rentals Text
E5.1 Number of pop-up libraries Text
E6.1 Activities open beyond regular library operating hours Text
E7.1 Combined square footage of all facilities Text
F1.0 Total Annual Circulation Text
F1.1 Total Annual E-Book Downloads / Borrows Text
F1.2 Total Annual E-Audio Book Downloads / Borrows Text
F1.3 Total Annual Music Downloads / Borrows Text
F1.4 Total Annual Video Downloads / Borrows Text
F1.5 Total Annual E-Magazine Downloads / Borrows Text
F2.1.P No. of programs held annually Text
F2.2.A Annual program attendance Text
F2.301.Attendance Early literacy and Early learning Text
F2.301.Programs Early literacy and Early learning Text
F2.302.Attendance Other Children's programming Text
F2.302.Programs Other Children's programming Text
F2.303.Attendance Summer Reading Text
F2.303.Programs Summer Reading Text
F2.304.Attendance Homework help Text
F2.304.Programs Homework help Text
F2.305.Attendance Class instruction at a library or school Text
F2.305.Programs Class instruction at a library or school Text
F2.306.Attendance Teen programming Text
F2.306.Programs Teen programming Text
F2.307.Attendance Newcomer focus Text
F2.307.Programs Newcomer focus Text
F2.308.Attendance Careers, job help / skills Text
F2.308.Programs Careers, job help / skills Text
F2.309.Attendance Business Development Text
F2.309.Programs Business Development Text
F2.310.Attendance Community Development Text
F2.310.Programs Community Development Text
F2.311.Attendance Technology Text
F2.311.Programs Technology Text
F2.311a.Attendance Maker space Text
F2.311a.Programs Maker space Text
F2.312.Attendance Genealogy, local history, Doors Open Text
F2.312.Programs Genealogy, local history, Doors Open Text
F2.313.Attendance Adult learning (not covered elsewhere) Text
F2.313.Programs Adult learning (not covered elsewhere) Text
F2.314.Attendance Seniors programming Text
F2.314.Programs Seniors programming Text
F2.315.Attendance Culture Text
F2.315.Programs Culture Text
F2.316.Attendance First Nations Public Library Week Text
F2.316.Programs First Nations Public Library Week Text
F2.317.Attendance First Nation Communities Read Text
F2.317.Programs First Nation Communities Read Text
F2.317a.Attendance Indigenous language training and retention Text
F2.317a.Programs Indigenous language training and retention Text
F2.318.Attendance Library Week / Month Text
F2.318.Programs Library Week / Month Text
F2.319.Attendance Book Clubs Text
F2.319.Programs Book Clubs Text
F2.320.Attendance Other Text
F2.320.Programs Other Text
F2.4.1 Number of visits to residence-bound people Text
F3.1.1 No. of requests made to other libraries Text
F3.1.2 No. of items being borrowed Text
F3.2.1 No. of requests received from other libraries Text
F3.2.2 No. of items lent Text
G1.1.1.W Physical materials Text
G1.1.2.W Electronic materials Text
G1.1.3.W Total circulation of all library materials Text
G1.2.1.W Total In Library Materials Use Text
G1.3.1.W No. of people using library workstations Text
G1.3.2.W Number of times databases were accessed Text
G1.3.3.W Number of times public connecting to wifi Text
G1.3.4.W Number of people using Maker Spaces Text
G1.4.1.W No. of standard reference transactions Text
G1.4.2.W No. of electronic reference transactions Text
G1.4.3.W No. of Reader's Advisory transactions Text
G1.4.4.W Number of technology support requests Text
G1.4.5.W Average minutes per technology request Text
G1.4.6.W Number of accessibility requests Text
G1.5.1.W No. of visits to the library made in person Text
G1.5.2.W No. of electronic visits to the library website Text
H1.1.1.01 Books Text
H1.1.1.02 E-books Text
H1.1.1.03 Databases and Other Downloadable Services Text
H1.1.1.04 Computer software Text
H1.1.1.05 Connectivity Text
H1.1.1.06 Integrated Library systems Text
H1.1.1.07 Corporate Discount Programs Text
H1.1.1.08 Municipal and Local government Text
H1.1.1.92 Other Types of Consortia Text
H1.1.201 Reciprocal borrowing agreements Text
H1.1.3.1 Accessibility Initiatives Text
H1.1.3.2 Accessibility training for staff Text
H1.1.3.3 Accessibility accomplishments Text
H1.1.3.4 Patron participation in CELA and / or NNELS Text
H1.1.3.5 Accessible collections and services Text
H1.2.1.F No Text
H1.2.1.T Yes Text
H1.2.2 Number of Friends organizations Text
H1.2.3.F No Text
H1.2.3.T Yes Text
H1.2.4 Number of Foundations Text
H1.3.1.F No Text
H1.3.1.T Yes Text
H1.3.2.10 Instagram Text
H1.3.2.11 Blogs Text
H1.3.2.12 Twitter Text
H1.3.2.13 Facebook Text
H1.3.2.15 RSS feeds Text
H1.3.2.16 Flickr Text
H1.3.2.17 YouTube Text
H1.3.2.18 LinkedIn Text
H1.3.2.19 Pinterest Text
H1.3.2.20 Tumblr Text
H1.3.2.60 Snapchat Text
H1.3.2.61 TikTok Text
H1.3.2.90 Other Social Media Text
H1.4.1.F No Text
H1.4.1.T Yes Text
H1.4.2 If Yes, how many? Text
H1.4.3.21 Community museums Text
H1.4.3.22 Art galleries Text
H1.4.3.23 Municipal cultural planning partnerships Text
H1.4.3.24 Archives Text
H1.4.3.25 Heritage Organizations Text
H1.4.3.26 Ethno-cultural and Newcomer Service Organizations Text
H1.4.3.93 Other Cultural Partners Text
H1.5.1.F No Text
H1.5.1.T Yes Text
H1.5.2 If Yes, how many? Text
H1.5.3.40 Early Childhood Organizations Text
H1.5.3.41 School boards Text
H1.5.3.42 Community Colleges Text
H1.5.3.43 Universities Text
H1.5.3.44 Distance Education Text
H1.5.3.94 Other Education Sector Partners Text
H1.5.4 Examples of Education sector partnerships Text
H1.7.1.F No Text
H1.7.1.T Yes Text
H1.7.2.31 ServiceOntario Text
H1.7.2.32 ESDC Text
H1.7.2.34 Municipal services (e.g. licences) Text
H1.7.2.35 Health Text
H1.7.2.91 Other government Service Partnerships Text
H1.7.3 Examples of government partnerships Text
H1.8.1.F No Text
H1.8.1.T Yes Text
H1.8.2.1 Future capital projects Text
H1.8.2.1.PC Future capital projects – project costs Text
H1.8.2.1.SF Future capital projects - square footage Text
H1.8.2.PC Capital projects – project costs Text
H1.8.3.F No Text
H1.8.3.T Yes Text
H1.8.4.TN Technology needs Text
H1.9.1.F No Text
H1.9.1.T Yes Text
H1.9.2.51 Chamber of Commerce Text
H1.9.2.52 Business Improvement Area (BIA) Text
H1.9.2.95 Other Business and Economic Sector Partnerships Text
H1.9.3 Examples of business and economic partnerships Text
P1.1 Resident Population Served Text
P1.2 Contracting Population Served Text
P2.1 Contracting Households Served Text
P2.2 Resident Households Served Text

Additional information

Last updated
September 27, 2024
August 23, 2024
File size
419.7 KiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Data made public date
August 23, 2024
Data range start
January 1, 2023
Data range end
December 31, 2023

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