Average count by gender and quarter

URL: https://files.ontario.ca/opendata/7-ocdc_averagecountbygender_quarter_en_fy_1718.csv

This dataset provides the average daily count of male and female inmates being held in the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre covering fiscal years 2005-06 through to 2017-18.

Average daily counts are broken into six average counts:

  • Federal sentence of two years or more/national parole violation
  • Immigration hold
  • Intermittent days stay (weekend days)
  • Remand
  • Provincial sentence of less than two years
  • Other hold statuses than those listed

For more information, please see the Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre Quarterly Trends Analysis.

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Last updated
May 6, 2019
December 31, 2019
File size
unknown size
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Average count by gender and quarter
Data range start
April 1, 2005
Data range end
March 31, 2018

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