RTD – Risk Factors Flat File Report

URL: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/40fd1840-7a7c-4c98-a6ae-1088ffb0d32a/resource/09c5103c-9c9a-4f2a-a19f-705016f1de1e/download/rtd_-_risk_factor_flat_file_report.csv

Useful notes about the file. Data on on risk factors related to multi-sectoral risk interventions in Ontario.

Risk Factors are negative characteristics or conditions present in individuals, families and communities that:

  • may increase the presence of crime or fear of crime in a community
  • may increase the likelihood that individuals engage in crime
  • may lead to individuals becoming victims of crime

The data includes:

  • year in which the risk factors were identified
  • region where the risk factors were identified
  • all related risk factors

Note: The order in which the risk factors appear in the dataset is not significant. The rows of data in this dataset have been randomized and appear in a different order than other datasets. The order of the rows will vary based on the dataset to ensure utmost privacy. Therefore, this dataset cannot be directly compared or associated to other RTD datasets.

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Additional information

Last updated
March 5, 2024
August 15, 2023
File size
7.3 MiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
RTD – Risk Factors Flat File Report
Data made public date
August 15, 2023
Data range start
January 1, 2016
Data range end
December 31, 2022
Data birth date
January 1, 2016

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