Ontario public school boards and school authorities contact information

URL: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/9831236f-6e01-447a-9e28-b9c6b3348631/resource/c1bf463a-4140-497e-991d-716e5eec6aaa/download/school_board_contact_list_june2024_fr_csv.csv

This data set contains the contact information (name, mailing address, phone number, etc.) for all publicly funded school boards and school authorities in Ontario.

Data includes:

  • region
  • board number
  • board name
  • board language
  • board type
  • suite
  • PO box
  • street
  • city
  • province
  • postal code
  • phone number
  • fax
  • website

Source: Board School Identification Database (BSID) / Ontario School Information System (OnSIS) as updated/maintained by boards, June 2024. Note: school board and school authority contact information are updated/maintained by boards.

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Additional information

Last updated
June 7, 2024
December 31, 2019
File size
17.3 KiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Ontario public school boards and school authorities contact information
Data range start
June 7, 2024
Data range end
June 7, 2024

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