Estimates - Board Submitted


Includes financial data of school boards including revenues (e.g. ministry grants, grants from other ministries, education property taxes) and expenses (e.g. classroom teachers' expenses, pupil accommodation, board administration expenses). Also include detailed calculations of the ministry's operating and capital funding provided to school boards. Other data include student enrolment and staffing. The reports cover the school boards' fiscal year which is from September 1 to August 31. Assets and liabilities data is collected for the financial statements cycle

*[e.g.]: for example

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Data dictionary

Column Type Description
Nom de la cellule: Text
Région: Text
Période: Text
Année: Text
Cycle: Text
Compte: Text
Catégorie: Text
Sous-catégorie: Text
DSB Ontario North East Text
Algoma DSB Text
Rainbow DSB Text
Near North DSB Text
Keewatin-Patricia DSB Text
Rainy River DSB Text
Lakehead DSB Text
Superior-Greenstone DSB Text
Bluewater DSB Text
Avon Maitland DSB Text
Greater Essex County DSB Text
Lambton Kent DSB Text
Thames Valley DSB Text
Toronto DSB Text
Durham DSB Text
Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB Text
Trillium Lakelands DSB Text
York Region DSB Text
Simcoe County DSB Text
Upper Grand DSB Text
Peel DSB Text
Halton DSB Text
Hamilton-Wentworth DSB Text
DSB of Niagara Text
Grand Erie DSB Text
Waterloo Region DSB Text
Ottawa-Carleton DSB Text
Upper Canada DSB Text
Limestone DSB Text
Renfrew County DSB Text
Hastings & Prince Edward DSB Text
Northeastern Catholic DSB Text
Nipissing-Parry Sound Cath DSB Text
Huron-Superior Catholic DSB Text
Sudbury Catholic DSB Text
Northwest Catholic DSB Text
Kenora Catholic DSB Text
Thunder Bay Catholic DSB Text
Superior North Catholic DSB Text
Bruce-Grey Catholic DSB Text
Huron-Perth Catholic DSB Text
Windsor-Essex Catholic DSB Text
London Dist. Catholic School Text
St. Clair Catholic DSB Text
Toronto Catholic DSB Text
PVNC Catholic DSB Text
York Catholic DSB Text
Dufferin-Peel Catholic DSB Text
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic DSB Text
Durham Catholic DSB Text
Halton Catholic DSB Text
Hamilton-Wentworth Cath DSB Text
Wellington Catholic DSB Text
Waterloo Catholic DSB Text
Niagara Catholic DSB Text
Brant Haldimand Norfolk CDSB Text
Cath DSB of Eastern Ontario Text
Ottawa Catholic DSB Text
Renfrew County Catholic DSB Text
Algonquin & Lakeshore Cath DSB Text
CSP du Nord-Est de l'Ontario Text
CSP du Grand Nord de l'Ontario Text
Conseil scolaire Viamonde Text
CEP de l'Est de l'Ontario Text
CSD cath. des Grandes Rivières Text
CSD catholique Franco-Nord Text
CSD cath. du Nouvel-Ontario Text
CSD cath. des Aurores boréales Text
CSC Providence Text
CSC MonAvenir Text
CSD cath. de l'Est ontarien Text
CSD cath. Centre-Est de l'Ont. Text

Additional information

Last updated
July 24, 2023
July 24, 2023
File size
10 MiB
Licence Not Specified
Estimates - Board Submitted
Data made public date
July 24, 2023
Data range start
September 1, 2023
Data range end
August 31, 2024

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