Ministry: Education
179 datasets
Delivering early years, child care and publicly funded education from kindergarten to Grade 12.
Educators assigned at the school board office
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Enrolment and financial figures for the Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) program
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Enrolment projections from boards
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
EQAO grade 10 literacy test results by year
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
EQAO grade 3 student achievement results by year
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
EQAO grade 6 student achievement results by year
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
EQAO grade 9 student achievement results by year
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Financial and student data for the Dual Credits Program
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Financial status of district school boards and school authorities by year
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
French as a second language students
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Growth plans related to Teacher Performance Appraisals (TPA)
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Homeschooling by gender and school level
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Individual complainants regarding a licensed child care facility
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Individual information on educators
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Individual student information
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
International language programs
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
International language programs: Class information
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Letter of Permission (LOP)
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Letter of Permission (LOP): Course codes or specialty
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Letter of Permission (LOP): Declarations
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted