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Public Accounts: Financial statements of government organizations and business enterprises
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
(Formerly Public Accounts: Volume 2) The Public Accounts of Ontario is a major accountability document which presents the financial statements of the province. This dataset...Resource formats:
Carnegie libraries
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Provides information on Ontario's Carnegie libraries built with Carnegie Foundation assistance between 1901 and 1917. Includes buildings still operating as public...Resource formats:
Regional Tourism Organizations: geographic boundaries
Ministry: Tourism, Culture and Gaming
Each Regional Tourism Organization is an independent, industry-led and not- for-profit and each provides leadership and coordination to support competitive and sustainable...Resource formats:
Pesticide Concentrations in Stream Water
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This dataset contains measurements of pesticide concentrations in stream water samples collected at selected streams in Ontario. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation...Resource formats:
Top 10 Ontario agri-food exports
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset includes a list of top 10 agri-food exports by $ millions in Ontario. Exports are classified by Harmonized System which is an international standard maintained by...Resource formats:
Live pig exports
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on Ontario exports of live pigs by number of head to the United States.Resource formats:
Live cattle exports
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on Ontario exports of live cattle by number of head to the United States.Resource formats:
Pig and cattle trade report
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on Ontario live pig and cattle trade report from 2011-2014.Resource formats:
Ontario agri-food trade by commodity group
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get data on the agri-food trade by commodity group. This statistical dataset shows agri-food exports and imports, by commodity, for Ontario. Includes: live animals red meats...Resource formats:
Ontario agri-food trade by commodity group and region
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on Ontario agri-food exports and imports by commodity group, in Canadian dollars, with: The United States Mexico Asia Japan the European UnionResource formats:
Ontario agri-food trade by region
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get data on the agri-food trade by region. This statistical dataset shows agri-food exports and imports between Ontario and major trading partners such as: The United States...Resource formats:
Total annual agri-food trade
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on agri-food exports and imports for Ontario.Resource formats:
Ontario Road Safety Annual Report (ORSAR)
Ministry: Transportation
Under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA), the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is required to report annually on motor vehicle collision statistics. The Ontario Road Safety Annual...Resource formats:
Bridge conditions
Ministry: Transportation
All bridges in Ontario are inspected every 2 years using the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual (OSIM) format. The weighted condition of all elements is summarized in the...Resource formats:
Municipal election results
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
This dataset contains Municipal post-election data, including (but not limited to): number of voters, voter turnout (%), alternative voting methods and other municipal election...Resource formats:
Ontario livestock prices
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
This dataset shows annual average prices received by Ontario livestock farmers for: bulls cows steers heifers calves cattle pigs hogs sheep lambs unprocessed milk from bovine...Resource formats:
Governance documents
Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement
The Lake Simcoe Coordination Committee is an advisory agency and is not required to have or post governance documents under the Agency and Appointments Directive.Resource formats:
Collective Agreements e-Library Portal
Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The Collective Agreement e-Library is a self-serve, online portal that houses public and private sector collective agreements in Ontario. The Ministry of Labour, Immigration,...Resource formats:
Lake St Clair Water Quality
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
This dataset provides water quality analyses of lake surface samples and river samples collected throughout the ice-free season (May/June to October) from 2016 to 2019 from the...Resource formats:
Driver population statistics
Ministry: Transportation
The driver population statistics consists of 3 sets of data files. 1. Active driver count This data includes: license class including composite class and airbrake endorsement...Resource formats: