Driver population statistics

The driver population statistics consists of 3 sets of data files.

1. Active driver count

This data includes:

  • license class including composite class and airbrake endorsement (Z)
  • gender (as of report date)
  • individual age (as of report date)

2. Driver Suspension count

This data includes:

  • active suspensions under the Criminal Code of Canada
  • active suspensions not under the Criminal Code of Canada
  • issued suspensions under the Criminal Code of Canada
  • issued suspensions not under the Criminal Code of Canada

Suspensions are recorded by the Ministry of Transportation for offences under the:

  1. Highway Traffic Act and its regulations
  2. Criminal Code of Canada

3. Driver conviction count by conviction type

This data includes:

  • convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada
  • convictions not under the Criminal Code of Canada

Convictions are recorded by the Ministry of Transportation for offences under the:

  1. Highway Traffic Act and its regulations
  2. Motor Vehicle Accident Convictions/Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act and its regulations
  3. Criminal Code of Canada
Ministry contact:

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Maintainer branch
Driver and Vehicle Services Branch
Last Validated Date
February 2, 2024
Update frequency

Driver population statistics

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Supporting Files

  • PDF
    Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2022 English [28 MiB]
  • PDF
    Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2021 English [2 MiB]
  • PDF
    Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2020 English [1.6 MiB]
  • PDF
    Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2019 English [3 MiB]
  • PDF
    Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2018 English [2.2 MiB]
  • PDF
    Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2017 English [4.7 MiB]
  • ZIP
    Drivers’ Annual Statistics 2016 English [404.6 KiB]

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