Annual granular material data

Data restricted

This data is not and will not be made available. The data was reviewed and cannot be released to the public because of reasons outlined by the Digital and Data Directive.

Restriction: Privacy - This data contains personal information including contractor phone numbers and sensitive information such as payment adjustments for substandard materials provided by individual contractors. The ministry does not have permissions to release this data.

Contains individual contract data used to produce Provincial and Regional summaries of quantities of granular materials used (i.e. Granular A, BI, BII, BII, O, M and SSM), source type (i.e. commercial pits and quarries, non- commercial pits and quarries and granular materials) as well as percentages of recycled asphalt pavement, reclaimed concrete and other recycled or reclaimed materials used and deviations from acceptable limits for gradation and percent crushed with associated payment adjustments.

Ministry contact: Transportation

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
April 3, 2017
Update frequency

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