Consumer Beware List (CBL)

The CBL list is maintained by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services and includes the names of businesses that have been charged or convicted under consumer protection laws, or other acts administered by the ministry, such as the Payday Loans Act. It also identifies businesses that failed to take action after being notified twice by the ministry about a consumer complaint.

Under the Consumer Protection Act, 2002, each posting on the Consumer Beware List (CBL) may remain for a maximum of 27 months.

To view a searchable, up-to-date directory of business and individuals on the Consumer Beware List, visit the CBL website

*[CBL]: Consumer Beware List

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Last Validated Date
August 23, 2018
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Consumer Beware List (CBL)

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    Access to Consumer Beware List English

    Last Updated: August 23, 2018

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    Accéder à la page Liste de mises en garde pour les consommateurs French

    Last Updated: August 24, 2018


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