Evaluation and results from Specified Risk Material (SRM) audits in licensed abattoirs that slaughter cattle

Data under review

This data is not available right now. We are reviewing the data to determine if it can be made open to the public.

This dataset includes data regional veterinarians collect as part of compliance audits conducted in licensed meat plants that slaughter bovine (cattle) to verify the control of high-risk inedible materials, namely specified risk material (SRM).

SRM is considered high-risk inedible material and the completion of audits and checklists helps ensure that SRM materials are properly identified for control, removal and proper disposal.

Every fiscal year, 25% of provincially licensed meat plants slaughtering cattle are selected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) for an OMAFRA-CFIA Joint SRM Audit. During this audit, the plant is evaluated jointly by a CFIA Regional Veterinary Officer (RVO) and by an OMAFRA Regional Veterinarian (RV).

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
December 18, 2020
Update frequency
As required

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