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2,934 datasets found

  • School board financial reports (estimates, revised estimates and financial statements)

    Ministry: Education

    Includes financial data of school boards including revenues (e.g. ministry grants, grants from other ministries, education property taxes) and expenses (e.g. classroom...

    Resource formats:

    • ZIP
    • PDF
    • CSV
  • Ontario field crop area and production estimates by county

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    Get statistical data on the estimated area, production and farm value of field crops in Ontario, including: estimated seeded and harvested acres yield production farm value by...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Ontario consumer price index

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    The Consumer Price Index measures changes in the cost of selected food items over time like: food purchased from stores fresh or frozen beef fresh or frozen pork fresh or...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Ontario chicken and turkey: supply and disposition

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    Get statistical data on supply and disposition of poultry livestock (chicken and turkey) in Ontario.

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Ontario egg supply and disposition

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    Get statistical data on supply and disposition of egg in Ontario.

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Private school contact information

    Ministry: Education

    Data about private schools in Ontario and overseas. Includes: school name school number credits offered principal name suite PO box street address city province/ country...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Registered marriage officiants

    Ministry: Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement

    Registered marriage officiants in Ontario. The dataset includes: first name, last name and location of the marriage officiant affiliation a date stamp at the end indicating the...

    Resource formats:

    • CSV
    • XLS
  • Crown timber charges for forestry companies

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Crown timber charges are composed of: stumpage price Forestry Futures Trust charge Forest Renewal Trust charge The stumpage price is made up of 3 components: minimum price:...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • School board and school authority contact information

    Ministry: Education

    This data set contains the contact information (name, mailing address, phone number, etc.) for all publicly funded school boards and school authorities in Ontario. Data...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Pig and cattle trade report

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    Get statistical data on Ontario live pig and cattle trade report from 2011-2014.

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program fair market value valuation table

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    This dataset provides standardized compensation rates and premiums for the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program (OWDCP). When livestock or poultry are injured or...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Fuel and gasoline tax registrant list

    Ministry: Finance

    This list enables consumers and dealers to identify those authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute products like gasoline, propane, and clear or dyed diesel...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Beer manufacturers, microbrewers and brands

    Ministry: Finance

    This list identifies the brands of beer made by beer manufacturers and microbreweries that are subject to the beer tax. You can use this list to calculate the beer tax you pay...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Security guard and private investigator basic training providers

    Ministry: Solicitor General

    All new security guards and private investigators must complete a basic training course. Find a list of basic training providers, their location, telephone number and type of...

    Resource formats:

    • CSV
    • XLSX
  • Government-approved driving schools

    Ministry: Transportation

    Government-approved driving schools can help you become a safe and responsible driver. They may also save you money on insurance premiums and let you take your G1 exit road test...

    Resource formats:

    • CSV
  • Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived)

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) is elevation point cloud data created from aerial photography from the Geospatial Ontario (GEO) imagery program. It was created...

    Resource formats:

  • Ontario Digital Terrain Model (Lidar-Derived)

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Ontario Lidar Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Geospatial Ontario (GEO) Dataset is a raster product representing the bare-earth terrain derived from a classified lidar point...

    Resource formats:

  • Ontario Digital Elevation Model (Imagery-Derived)

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The digital elevation models (DEM) are 2 m resolution raster elevation products that were generated from the Ontario Classified Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) data. The point...

    Resource formats:

  • Irrigation equipment suppliers and consultants in Ontario

    Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness

    Find information about irrigation equipment suppliers or consultants in Ontario who offer specialized equipment or services. Information includes lists of: irrigation equipment...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
  • Minister's list of approved arbitrators

    Ministry: Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

    This data provides information on individuals who have been approved by the Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development to act as arbitrators to resolve...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX