1991 Enhanced Forest Resource Inventories for Lanark County and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry

This data layer contains individual forest stand level information, including:

  • working group (meaning a grouping of stands with the same predominant species composition. They are generally labelled based on the tree species that occupies the greatest canopy closure or amount of basal area in the stand)
  • species ID and percentage
  • height
  • age
  • stocking (meaning a qualitative measurement of the density of tree cover in a forest stand, generally based on the species with the most basal area, expressed as a percentage value ranging from zero to a maximum of 4. A stocking of 0 is empty, 1 is fully stocked, more than 1 is overstocked)
  • crown closure
  • soil moisture
  • stand modifier (meaning the subdivision of productive forest areas based on the presence or absence of physical or biological factors that will limit the ability to practice timber management)
  • site index
  • stand area (m²)

This dataset was created as a more current update to the previous 1978 Forest Resource Inventory to support forest management within the Eastern Ontario Model Forest planning area.

Ministry contact: Natural Resources and Forestry

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Lanark County and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry
Geography Breakdown
Maintainer branch
Southern Region
Last Validated Date
June 7, 2021
Update frequency

1991 Enhanced Forest Resource Inventories for Lanark County and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry

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No date range

  • Other
    1991 Enhanced Forest Resource Inventories for Lanark County and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry English

    This dataset was created to update the 1978 FRI in order to support forest...

  • Other
    Inventaires améliorés des ressources forestières de 1991 pour le comté de Lanark et les comtés unis de Stormont, de Dundas et de Glengarry French

    Description Cet ensemble de données a été créé pour mettre à jour l’IRF de...


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