General guidelines
- The dataset contains trip origin, destination, commodity group, average daily trips, commodity weight and value.
- The data represents activity by medium and heavy trucks only.
- The origin and destination data is aggregated by counties in Ontario and province or state outside of Ontario.
- The commodities are grouped into 32 groups and empty trucks.
- The Commercial Vehicle Survey targets travel on provincial facilities. Therefore, coverage of intra-urban trips is incomplete, and should not be interpreted as representative.
- Trip activity within the Greater Toronto Area municipalities is not representative.
- The average trip distance is 440 km. Caution must be exercised with short distance trip activities.
- All Origin-destination pairs with average trip activity of less than one trip per day have been suppressed.
Field descriptions
Origin zone :
Trip Origin Zone Number - Zone aggregation is counties in Ontario and
province/state for others
35XX - Ontario counties
70XX - U.S. States
XX00-XX00 (except 3500) - Canadian Provinces
Origin name :
Trip Origin Name - county or province/state name
Destination zone :
Trip Destination Zone Number - Zone aggregation is counties in Ontario and
province/state for others. Same numbering system as origins
Destination name :
Trip Destination Name - county or province/state name
Commodity group code :
Unique commodity group numeric code
Commodity group:
Descriptive name of the commodity group
Daily trips :
Average daily truck trips
Commodity weight :
Average daily commodity weight in kilograms (KG)
Commodity value :
Average daily value of the commodity in dollars ($)
*[km]: kilometre