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Tobacco tax rates
Ministry: Finance
Tobacco tax rates were last changed on March 29, 2018. The current rates are: 18.475¢ per cigarette 18.475¢ per gram or part gram of cut tobacco Tax on cigars is 56.6% of the...Resource formats:
Single trip permit agencies
Ministry: Finance
You need a single trip permit if all of the following applies to you: you are a carrier, owner or operator you aren't registered under the International Fuel Tax Agreement...Resource formats:
COVID Alert Impact Data
Ministry: Finance
Get data on COVID Alert's impact so far. Data includes: Approximate total app downloads Total Ontarians who alerted others Learn more about the COVID Alert app.Resource formats:
Open data voting tool results
Ministry: Finance
Information on various types of data owned and managed by provincial ministries. Descriptions of these datasets were originally posted in the open data voting tool so that...Resource formats:
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Profits
Ministry: Finance
OLG's annual payments to the province support: hospitals research, prevention and treatment of problem gambling amateur sport local and provincial charities (through the...Resource formats:
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Performance
Ministry: Finance
Reports detail by gaming site: gaming revenue number of OLG employees number of patrons revenue to municipalities OLG payroll number of slot machines and table games by gaming...Resource formats:
Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Municipal Contributions
Ministry: Finance
Municipalities that host a Casino or a Slot Facility at a Racetrack receive: 5.25% on the first $65 million of annual slot revenue 3.00% on the next $135 million of annual slot...Resource formats:
Community small business investment funds
Ministry: Finance
Details about the registrants in the community small business investment funds program. The data contains: registrant name address contact information registration date...Resource formats: