Tobacco tax rates

Tobacco tax rates were last changed on March 29, 2018. The current rates are:

  • 18.475¢ per cigarette
  • 18.475¢ per gram or part gram of cut tobacco
  • Tax on cigars is 56.6% of the taxable price

Tobacco tax is:

  • $3.70 on a pack of 20 cigarettes
  • $4.62 on a pack of 25 cigarettes
  • $36.95 on a carton of 200 cigarettes

You can download the dataset to view the historical price points for this tax.

About tobacco tax

Ministry contact: Finance

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
March 29, 2018
Update frequency
As required

Tobacco tax rates

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Date range: May 20, 1981 - March 29, 2018

  • CSV
    Tobacco tax rates English and French

    Last Updated: March 29, 2018


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