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Commercial Vehicle Survey - Traffic volumes at survey stations
Ministry: Transportation
This data provides modelled average hourly traffic count information by weekday/weekend. Commercial vehicles and autos data is collected at Commercial Vehicle Survey locations...Resource formats:
Commercial Vehicle Survey Data - Equivalent single axle load
Ministry: Transportation
This data provides core information on truck travel and commodity flows on the provincial highway network and other significant truck corridors. It provide ESAL information for...Resource formats:
Commercial Vehicle Survey Data (Commercial vehicle flows assigned to road network)
Ministry: Transportation
This data provides core information on truck travel and commodity flows on the provincial highway network and other significant truck corridors. It includes the basic commercial...Resource formats:
Service centres
Ministry: Transportation
Used within the Travellers Road Information Portal Interactive Map to convey transportation related information in both official languages. Contains a list of the 23 service...Resource formats:
Ministry of Transportation aggregate sites
Ministry: Transportation
This dataset provides details on the location of MTO aggregate pits. Aggregate pits provide the material necessary to build roadways in the province. Official LIO title:...Resource formats:
Carpool lots
Ministry: Transportation
Used within the Travellers Road Information Portal Interactive Map to convey transportation related information in both official languages. This information includes a list of...Resource formats:
2006 Commercial Vehicle Survey: equivalent single axle load
Ministry: Transportation
Equivalent Single Axle Loadings (ESAL) are derived from the axle weight measurements from the 2006 Ontario Commercial Vehicle Survey data. All values are factored up to...Resource formats:
Aerial photography and photogrammetric mapping index
Ministry: Transportation
This index identifies project areas on provincial highways where aerial photography and photogrammetric mapping has been collected.Resource formats:
Commercial vehicle flows by road network
Ministry: Transportation
Data collected between 2005 to 2007, 3% of sample collected in 2005, 51% in 2006 and 46% in 2007. This dataset contains a compilation of data collected from different sources....Resource formats:
Cordon data - directional traffic counts
Ministry: Transportation
The Cordon Count Data (CCD) includes directional traffic counts at selected sites to understand how vehicles and people move across the region. Traffic data includes the number...Resource formats:
Transportation Tomorrow historical survey data
Ministry: Transportation
The Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS) is conducted in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area of Southern Ontario once every five years. The first TTS started in 1986...Resource formats:
Traffic volume
Ministry: Transportation
A detailed listing outlining the 23 year history (1988-2010) of traffic volumes on Provincial Highways (King's, Secondary, Tertiary Roads and the 7000 series highways). The...Resource formats:
Ferry services
Ministry: Transportation
Used within the Travellers Road Information Portal Interactive Map to convey transportation related information in both official languages. Contains a list of ferry service...Resource formats:
Linear referencing and composite listing - Ontario highways
Ministry: Transportation
This data, also known as the Linear Highway Referencing System (LHRS), is used to locate events along the highway network. Three separate files make up the LHRS dataset: LHRS...Resource formats:
Picnic parks
Ministry: Transportation
This dataset shows MTO managed/maintained picnic park locations. It was created as part of the Digital Cartographic Reference Base (DCRB) for the production of Official Road Map...Resource formats:
Remote northern airports
Ministry: Transportation
The Ministry of Transportation's Remote Northern Transportation Office in Thunder Bay operates 29 airports. These are located in Ontario's far north, extending from the...Resource formats:
Signalized traffic intersection/ramp terminal location data
Ministry: Transportation
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) for the Provincial Highway Network
Ministry: Transportation
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Rockfall tracking summary - Northwestern Region
Ministry: Transportation
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Overhead sign support structures - Central Region data
Ministry: Transportation
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review