Transportation Tomorrow historical survey data

The Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS) is conducted in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area of Southern Ontario once every five years. The first TTS started in 1986 collecting a 4.2% sample of households in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, The dataset contains TTS summary data for 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016. Each year of the dataset contains different types of questions including household characteristics, person characteristics, and trip characteristics. Aggregated data is provided at the levels of Ward and Planning Districts.

*[TTS]: Transportation Tomorrow Survey

Ministry contact: Transportation

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Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
March 15, 2019
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Transportation Tomorrow historical survey data

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Date range: January 1, 1986 - December 31, 2016

  • ZIP
    Transportation Tomorrow historical survey data English

    Last Updated: March 15, 2019


Supporting Files

  • TXT
    Notes English

    Last Updated: March 15, 2019

  • TXT
    Remarques French

    Last Updated: March 15, 2019


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