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233 datasets found

Topics: Économie et affaires (233) and Ministries: Natural Resources and Forestry (233)

  • Wolf and coyote hunting activity and harvests

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Black bear hunting activity and harvests

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This data breaks down estimated hunter and harvest numbers by: wildlife management unit (WMU) calendar year Harvest and active hunter numbers are estimates based on replies...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Elk harvests

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This data breaks down bull elk, cow elk and total harvest numbers by: elk harvest area calendar year Harvest numbers are based on mandatory reports received from elk tag...

    Resource formats:

    • XLSX
    • CSV
  • Lake Huron Recreational Creel Survey Data

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Niagara Escarpment Commission expenses

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Get data on travel expenses for Niagara Escarpment Commissioners and the Commission Chair This dataset shows detailed quarterly travel expenses for 17 Niagara Escarpment...

    Resource formats:

    • WEB
  • Crown Game Preserves

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Crown Game Preserves were established to prohibit or regulate the hunting and trapping of wildlife in specific areas to restore local populations.

    Resource formats:

  • Forest Resource Inventory Term 2 (T2) 2018-2028

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    The Forest Resources Inventory (FRI) provides information about tree species, including: composition height age density Ontario’s forest resource inventories allow us to...

    Resource formats:

  • Fish stocking data for recreational purposes

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Fish stocking data for recreational fishing purposes. Contains: stocking data for the past 10 years for species where the purpose of the stocking event was to promote...

    Resource formats:

  • Beaches in Ecoregion 6e6 and 7e5

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Two classes of beaches are distinguished, those with infrastructure and those without. Beaches with infrastructure: open sandy beaches along the shore of a great lake, within...

    Resource formats:

  • Niagara Escarpment brow

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Oak Ridges Moraine: planning area

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    This dataset was created to establish a permanent boundary. Lands within this boundary are subject to the principles contained in the Oak Ridges Moraine Legislation. Boundary is...

    Resource formats:

    • DOCX
    • PDF
  • Guide Effectiveness Monitoring Program site locations

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Get data on the locations of sample sites for the Guide Effectiveness Monitoring Program This dataset shows the locations of sample sites for the Guide Effectiveness Monitoring...

    Resource formats:

    • SHP
  • Niagara Escarpment development permit application locations

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Niagara Escarpment landscape evaluation study

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Census Data for 2001, 2006 and 2011

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted
  • Niagara Escarpment Plan amendment boundary

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Western Lake Erie index trawl netting data

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Lake Huron fish tagging master database

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Lake Erie limnology data

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review
  • Forest Insect Damage Event

    Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry

    Shows areas where forest insect pests have damaged or killed trees by defoliation, foliage mining and wood boring. Tree mortality rarely occurs as the result of one year's...

    Resource formats:

    • DOCX
    • PDF