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Statutory requirements for provincial agency tabling of annual reports
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Strategic Jobs and Investment Fund/Strategic Investment financial summary
Ministry: Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Strong Communities Rent Supplement Program (SCRSP) program and funding information
Ministry: Municipal Affairs and Housing
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Student enrolment
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Student enrolment and achievement in secondary school
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Student non enrolment
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Student participation in Special Education programs or services
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Student report cards and learning skills by term
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Student success expenditures
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Student suspensions and expulsions
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Student suspensions and expulsions for students in academic programs
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Student suspensions and expulsions for students in non-academic programs
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Succession management
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Summary of Billings
Ministry: Attorney General
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Supervised Access Program Centre Accessibility Complaints
Ministry: Attorney General
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Supervised Access Program Centre Complaints
Ministry: Attorney General
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Supervised Access Program Centre Critical Incident Reporting
Ministry: Attorney General
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review -
Supervised Access Program Centre Financial Reporting
Ministry: Attorney General
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Supervised Access Program: French language services complaints
Ministry: Attorney General
Not available to the public: Access to this dataset is restricted -
Supervised alternative learning for excused pupils by school board
Ministry: Education
Not available to the public: This dataset is currently under review