Hospitalizations by vaccination status


Please note that Hospitalization by Vaccination Status data will no longer be published as of June 30, 2022.

This data set reported the total number of patients in hospital by vaccination status without taking into consideration the number of people in Ontario who are vaccinated overall. Comparing groups using count data (such as the number of patients) is appropriate when the groups being compared are about the same size (i.e. around mid-2021). However, now that approximately 87% of eligible Ontarians are fully vaccinated (compared to 3% partially vaccinated and 10% unvaccinated) this comparison is no longer appropriate and may be misleading.

  • This is a new data collection and the data quality will continue to improve as hospitals continue to submit data.
  • In order to understand the vaccination status of patients currently hospitalized, a new data collection process was developed and this may cause discrepancies between other hospitalization numbers being collected using a different data collection process.
  • Data on patients in ICU are being collected from two different data sources with different extraction times and public reporting cycles. The existing data source (Critical Care Information System, CCIS) does not have vaccination status.
  • Historical data for hospitalizations by region may change over time as hospitals update previously entered data.
  • Due to incomplete weekend and holiday reporting, vaccination status data for hospital and ICU admissions is not updated on Sundays, Mondays and the day after holidays
  • Unvaccinated is defined as not having any dose, or between 0-13 days after administration of the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • Partially vaccinated is defined as 14 days or more after the first dose of a 2-dose series COVID-19 vaccine, or between 0-13 days after administration of the second dose
  • Fully vaccinated is defined as 14 days or more after receipt of the second dose of a 2-dose series COVID-19 vaccine

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Data dictionary

Column Type Description
date Timestamp
icu_unvac Numeric
icu_partial_vac Numeric
icu_full_vac Numeric
hospitalnonicu_unvac Numeric
hospitalnonicu_partial_vac Numeric
hospitalnonicu_full_vac Numeric

Additional information

Last updated
June 23, 2022
August 20, 2021
File size
7.1 KiB
Open Government Licence – Ontario
Hospitalizations by vaccination status
Data made public date
August 10, 2021
Data range start
August 10, 2021
Data range end
June 23, 2022

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