Directory of Records


This publication is required by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Under the act, individuals may request any record of information in any form including a letter, report, computer tape, microfilm, videotape, sound recording, electronic document or email.

The Directory of Records lists the types of records held by ministries and some provincial agencies.

Note: not all records listed in the Directory of Records are available through Freedom of Information requests. Find out what is unavailable.

This directory divides government record holdings into 4 categories:

  • personal information bank - personal information organized by an individual's name or other personal identifiers
  • public records - personal information available to all members of the public
  • general records - general information that is not part of the personal information bank or public records
  • common record - a personal information bank that is common to more than one organization

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Last updated
July 14, 2020
September 27, 2023
File size
206.6 KiB
King's Printer for Ontario
Directory of Records
Data made public date
February 24, 2020

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