Enrolment and financial figures for the Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) program

Data restricted

This data is not and will not be made available. The data was reviewed and cannot be released to the public because of reasons outlined by the Digital and Data Directive.

Restriction: Privacy - Data is very detailed and could be combined with other (publicly) available data to identify individual students and jeopardize confidentiality/privacy.

SHSM is a specialized career-focused program that allows students to acquire technical knowledge and skills as they work on their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). On the data collection site, school boards submit programs for approval for the next year, proposed budgets and expenditures.

*[SHSM]: Specialist High Skills Majors

Ministry contact: Education

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
February 22, 2017
Update frequency

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