The Ministry of Health Service Provider Locations (MOHSERLO) geospatial dataset contains the locations of health service providers in Ontario.
Included in the dataset are:
- AIDS Bureau
- Children’s Treatment Centres
- Community Health Centres
- Community Support Services
- Family Health Teams (Contract Locations)
- Hospitals
- Indigenous Primary Health Care Organization
- Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) (formerly Independent Health Facilities)
- Laboratories
- Licensed Retirement Homes
- Long-Term Care Homes
- Mental Health and Addiction Organizations
- Midwifery Clinics
- Nurse Practitioner Led Clinics
- Nursing Stations (Provincial)
- Pharmacies
- Public Health Unit Offices
- Senior Active Living Centres
For each health service provider, there is a selection of attributes provided, including:
- Service provider name in English and French (if available)
- Service provider type
- Details related to service provider (i.e., a subcategory of service provider type)
- Address information (e.g., Address line 1, Community, Postal Code, etc.)
The locations provided in this dataset are for planning purposes and should not be used for operational or navigation purposes.