Family Health Team (FHT) locations

The Ministry of Health Service Provider Locations (MOHSERLO) geospatial dataset contains the locations of health service providers in Ontario.

Included in the dataset are:

  • AIDS Bureau
  • Children’s Treatment Centres
  • Community Health Centres
  • Community Support Services
  • Family Health Teams (Contract Locations)
  • Hospitals
  • Indigenous Primary Health Care Organization
  • Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) (formerly Independent Health Facilities)
  • Laboratories
  • Licensed Retirement Homes
  • Long-Term Care Homes
  • Mental Health and Addiction Organizations
  • Midwifery Clinics
  • Nurse Practitioner Led Clinics
  • Nursing Stations (Provincial)
  • Pharmacies
  • Public Health Unit Offices
  • Senior Active Living Centres

For each health service provider, there is a selection of attributes provided, including:

  • Service provider name in English and French (if available)
  • Service provider type
  • Details related to service provider (i.e., a subcategory of service provider type)
  • Address information (e.g., Address line 1, Community, Postal Code, etc.)

The locations provided in this dataset are for planning purposes and should not be used for operational or navigation purposes.

Ministry contact: Health

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
August 12, 2024
Update frequency

Family Health Team (FHT) locations

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No date range

  • WEB
    Access to Family Health Team (FHT) locations English

    Last Updated: August 12, 2024


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