Ontario Mineral Inventory

The Ontario Mineral Inventory (OMI) database (previously known as the Mineral Deposit Inventory or MDI database) provides an overview of mineral occurrences in the province of Ontario. It contains information on location, geological environment, exploration history of metallic and industrial mineral occurrences, as well as some building stone and aggregate sites. Occurrences are categorized by their status (e.g., producing mine, developed prospect with reserves or resources, mineral occurrence, etc.). When available, current and historical production and resource data also are included.

Read the OMI description page for more information.

This data is best viewed using Google Earth or similar Keyhole Markup Language (KML) compatible software. For instructions on how to use Google Earth, read the Google Earth tutorial.

[KML]: Keyhole Markup Language [OMI]: Ontario Mineral Inventory

Ministry contact: ndmminister@ontario.ca

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
September 3, 2024
Update frequency

Ontario Mineral Inventory

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No date range

  • WEB
    Data English

    Last Updated: September 3, 2024

  • WEB
    Data French

    Last Updated: September 3, 2024


Date range: January 1, 1890 - September 3, 2024

  • KML
    KML English

    Last Updated: September 3, 2024


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