Ministry of Natural Resources area, district and region administrative boundaries (1997-2022)

This data represents the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) administrative boundaries from 1997-2022.

Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) administrative areas divide Ontario into smaller organizational units. These units were used to manage ministry programs and resources at a district and regional level.

Regional and district boundaries were originally created based on:

  • metes and bounds
  • topographic features
  • geographic townships boundaries
  • territorial district boundaries

We made changes to district boundaries over time.

We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis.

MNR regions MNR regions were created to help manage ministry programs and resources at a regional level. Regions consist of several districts.

MNR districts MNR regions were divided into smaller organizational units called districts.

MNR areas MNR districts were further divided into areas.

Ministry contact: Emily Hill

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Geography Breakdown
Emily Hill
Maintainer branch
Divisional Support Branch
Last Validated Date
March 11, 2024
Update frequency

Ministry of Natural Resources area, district and region administrative boundaries (1997-2022)

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Date range: January 1, 1997 - October 3, 2022

  • SHP
    Ministry of Natural Resources area, district and region administrative boundaries (1997-2022) English

    Last Updated: October 3, 2022

  • SHP
    Frontières administratives (1997-2022) du ministère des Richesses naturelles pour les zones, les districts et les régions English

    Last Updated: October 3, 2022


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