Notifiable disease reporting

Data under review

This data is not available right now. We are reviewing the data to determine if it can be made open to the public.

This dataset contains data the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs tracks of results from animals tested for listed notifiable diseases as per the Ontario Animal Health Act, 2009.

The Ontario Animal Health Act, 2009 gives the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, important tools to detect and respond to findings of significant animal health hazards or animal related threats to public health in Ontario. Under the act, Ontario animal health laboratories are required to send test results of listed notifiable diseases to the ministry either annually or immediately depending on the severity of the disease.

This dataset includes test results and laboratory data for diseases listed on the Notifiable Disease Reporting list under the Animal Health Act.

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
December 18, 2020
Update frequency
As required

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