Ontario public college programs: postsecondary field of study table

This comprehensive reference table allows you to find postsecondary programs offered by Ontario’s public colleges, which align to Statistics Canada’s Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) (2021). The programs are listed by essential details such as program codes, titles and credential types. This table will be helpful if you need to identify a CIP code for a specific field of study offered by an Ontario public college. Below are definitions of the three types of the classifications used to describe a field of study:

  • MTCU Code: A five-digit number assigned by the ministry to postsecondary programs of instruction approved for funding and OSAP eligibility which categorizes programs that are broadly similar in their vocational learning outcomes (VLOs) and titles.

  • Approved Program Sequence (APS): A unique code assigned to each approved program of instruction by the Credential Validation Service and used for enrolment reporting to the ministry.

  • Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP): The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada is Statistic's Canada's classification of instructional programs used to classify postsecondary educational programs according to field of study. It is the official, national standard for the organizing, collection, processing, dissemination, and analysis of field of study statistics in its education statistics programs.

Ministry contact: Colleges and Universities

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Last Validated Date
January 10, 2025
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As required

Ontario public college programs: postsecondary field of study table

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    Last Updated: January 10, 2025

    This comprehensive reference table allows you to find postsecondary programs...


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