Ontario Snow Survey location and data

This data contains location information for 1 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks:

  • Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC)

Snow course data is collected by:

  • conservation authorities
  • Ontario Power Generation
  • Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) districts

Data is collected twice a month from November 15 until May 15.

The Surface Water Monitoring Centre uses this data to assess:

  • current snow cover
  • frozen ground conditions
  • snowpack
  • potential snowmelt
  • contributions to streamflow

The snow data is located in a corporate water and climate database. This data helps MNR and conservation authorities assess the potential for flood at the local and provincial scale.

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Surface Water Monitoring Centre
Surface Water Monitoring Centre
Maintainer branch
Divisional Delivery Branch
Last Validated Date
September 3, 2024
Update frequency

Ontario Snow Survey location and data

Learn more about accessing data using different formats.

Date range: January 1, 1933 - May 17, 2024

  • SHP
    Ontario Snow Survey location and data English

    Last Updated: August 20, 2024

  • SHP
    Emplacement du relevé des neiges de l’Ontario et données English

    Last Updated: August 20, 2024


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