Provincial land cover

The land cover classes consist of vegetation types (such as forest, wetlands and agricultural crops or pasture) and categories of non-vegetated surface (such as water bodies, bedrock outcrops or settlements).

These classes reflect the nature of the land surface rather than actual or potential land use. The 2000 Edition of the Ontario Land Cover Data Base is the Second Edition of this provincial land cover classification. The coverage is derived wholly from Landsat-7 Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite data frames recorded between 1999 and 2002, most from 2000 onward.

The Provincial Land Cover (2000) Data Base is divided into 4 individual Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid zone tiles (15, 16, 17, and 18) and is distributed in TIFF format. Documentation is provided with this database in the form of a user's guide and general use caveats.

[TIFF]: Tagged Image File Format [TM]: Thematic Mapper *[UTM]: Universal Transverse Mercator

Ministry contact: Natural Resources and Forestry

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Maintainer branch
Science and Research Branch
Last Validated Date
April 30, 2015
Update frequency
As required

Provincial land cover

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Date: August 31, 2002

  • Other
    Access to Provincial land cover English

    Last Updated: April 30, 2015


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