Provincially tracked species (1km grid)

Get data on provincially tracked species locations generalized to a 1km by 1km grid.

This spatial dataset contains generalized location data for:

  • species of conservation concern (including species at risk)
  • plant communities
  • wildlife concentration areas
  • some natural heritage areas.

The data includes a spatial layer and related table. We recommend using the geodatabase, as the relationship between the spatial layer and its table is built in. If you prefer another format, the ‘complete shapefile’ download is the only option that includes the spatial layer and its related table in one package.

This data can be used to identify species, ecological communities or natural heritage areas on or near your property or project site.

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Natural Heritage Information Centre
Maintainer branch
Science and Research Branch
Last Validated Date
October 13, 2021
Update frequency

Provincially tracked species (1km grid)

Learn more about accessing data using different formats.

Date range: September 1, 1669 - March 31, 2021

  • Other
    Provincially tracked species (1km grid) English

    Last Updated: March 31, 2021

  • Other
    Espèces suivies en Ontario (grille de 1 km) French

    Last Updated: March 31, 2021


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