Risk categorization assessment tool (Rcat)

Data restricted

This data is not and will not be made available. The data was reviewed and cannot be released to the public because of reasons outlined by the Digital and Data Directive.

Restriction: Legal and contractual obligations - The dataset contains personal information and falls under the privacy exception.

RCat is a web-based application used by public health inspectors to conduct risk assessments and establish sampling requirements for a Small Drinking Water System (SDWS). RCat contains a list of all SDWS in Ontario along with their risk categorization. Systems categorized as "high risk" are required to be re-inspected every two years. Systems categorized as "low or moderate risk" are required to be re-inspected every four years.

[RCat]: Risk categorization assessment tool [SDWS]: Small Drinking Water System

Ministry contact: Health

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Last Validated Date
July 31, 2018
Update frequency
As required

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