Snow Survey measurement locations

This dataset contains location information for 2 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks:

  • Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC)
  • Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife (SNOW), administered by the Wildlife Research and Monitoring Section

Snow course data is collected by:

  • conservation authorities
  • Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) districts
  • Ontario Power Generation

SWMC network data is collected twice a month from November 15 until May 15. SNOW network data is collected once a week from the first snowfall until snowmelt.

The Surface Water Monitoring Centre uses the data to assess:

  • current snow cover
  • frozen ground conditions
  • snowpack
  • potential snowmelt
  • contributions to streamflow

MNR’s Science and Research Branch use the data to:

  • help manage wildlife species including deer, moose, wild turkey, elk, wolves and coyotes
  • help ministry resource managers and scientists administer programs and conduct research
  • inform game management decisions such as white-tailed deer harvest quotas
  • support flight planning for the Moose Aerial Inventory program

Additional information

Geographic coverage
Surface Water Monitoring Centre
Surface Water Monitoring Centre
Maintainer branch
Divisional Delivery Branch
Last Validated Date
August 7, 2024
Update frequency
As required

Snow Survey measurement locations

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No date range

  • WEB
    Snow survey measurement locations English

    Last Updated: November 23, 2023

  • WEB
    Emplacements de mesure du relevé des neiges English

    Last Updated: November 23, 2023


Supporting Files

  • XLSX
    Data Dictionary English and French [23.3 KiB]

    Last Updated: November 23, 2023


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