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Community Policing Partnership (CPP) Program
Ministry: Solicitor General
The Community Policing Partnerships (CPP) Program has ended on March 31, 2022 and will no longer be available beginning in 2022-23 fiscal year. This dataset contains names of...Resource formats:
Police officers in census metropolitan areas
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Data from the Police Administration Survey. Describes the police strength (number of police...Resource formats:
Crime Severity Index
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of Solicitor General. Data from the Police Reported Crime Severity Index. Measures changes in Canadian crime severity from...Resource formats:
Non-violent crime severity
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Data from the Police Reported Crime Severity Index. Measures changes in the level of severity of...Resource formats:
Property crime rates
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Property crimes are typically non-violent in nature and include: breaking and entering motor...Resource formats:
Traffic offences
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Traffic-related offences under the Criminal Code include: impaired driving dangerous driving...Resource formats:
Violent crime severity
Ministry: Solicitor General
This dataset is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Data from the Police Reported Crime Severity Index. Measures changes in the level of severity of...Resource formats:
Weighted clearance rates
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. The weighted clearance rate is based on the same principles as the Police Reported Crime Severity...Resource formats:
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Homicides under the Criminal Code include: murder, first degree murder, second degree manslaughter...Resource formats:
Incident-based crime rates
Ministry: Solicitor General
This data set is no longer compiled by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. Includes the number of crimes, whether police have solved the crime and any charges laid. These...Resource formats:
Data release of inmates in Ontario
Ministry: Solicitor General
Get data about inmate segregation, restrictive confinement and deaths in correctional facilities.Resource formats:
Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived)
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Ontario Raw Point Cloud (Imagery-Derived) is elevation point cloud data created from aerial photography from the Geospatial Ontario (GEO) imagery program. It was created...Resource formats:
Metadata Management Tool (MMT) records archive
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Information summarizing metadata records that were part of Land Information Ontario's (LIO's) Metadata Management Tool. This table represents metadata records which...Resource formats:
Aquatic invasive species
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset includes ecological information for non-indigenous aquatic species (fish, invertebrates and plants) that were identified as current or potential invaders to Ontario...Resource formats:
Stewardship Zone, Council Area and Location
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Ontario Stewardship Program has established Stewardship Councils across Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources staff no longer directly administer and support Ontario...Resource formats:
Woodlands Improvement Act areas
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Data from the former Kemptville, Midhurst and Aylmer Districts were compiled in this dataset to show forest areas on private land, managed by the landowner in cooperation with...Resource formats:
Ministry of Natural Resources area, district and region administrative boundaries (1997-2022)
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This data represents the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) administrative boundaries from 1997-2022. Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) administrative areas divide Ontario...Resource formats:
Ontario Public Service Region
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The OPS has adopted these boundaries for administrative and functional purposes which will facilitate enterprise initiatives and enhance customer service. We are no longer...Resource formats:
Provincial Watersheds, Historical
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
Note: This data has been replaced by the Ontario Watershed Boundaries (OWB). We are no longer updating this data. It is best suited for historical research and analysis. A...Resource formats:
Ontario Dam Inventory
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
The Ontario Dam Inventory (ODI) is an inventory of medium and large dams throughout Ontario. It uses a point-based system (x, y location) to identify each dam location. The ODI...Resource formats: