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Ontario public college programs: postsecondary field of study table
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
This comprehensive reference table allows you to find postsecondary programs offered by Ontario’s public colleges, which align to Statistics Canada’s Classification of...Resource formats:
Security guard and private investigator basic training providers
Ministry: Solicitor General
All new security guards and private investigators must complete a basic training course. Find a list of basic training providers, their location, telephone number and type of...Resource formats:
Fuel and gasoline tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list enables consumers and dealers to identify those authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute products like gasoline, propane, and clear or dyed diesel...Resource formats:
Raw leaf tobacco registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list allows you to identify legal entities authorized by the Minister of Finance, under the Tobacco Tax Act, to process, sell, distribute, import, export and transport raw...Resource formats:
Irrigation equipment suppliers and consultants in Ontario
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Find information about irrigation equipment suppliers or consultants in Ontario who offer specialized equipment or services. Information includes lists of: irrigation equipment...Resource formats:
Tobacco tax registrant list
Ministry: Finance
This list allows you to identify persons authorized by the Minister of Finance to sell and distribute tobacco products. Registrants on this list hold a valid registration...Resource formats:
Manufacturing industry statistics: food beverage and tobacco manufacturing
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
Get statistical data on food beverage and tobacco manufacturing sector for Ontario. Data includes: revenue from goods manufactured total revenue total cost of energy water...Resource formats:
Beer manufacturers, microbrewers and brands
Ministry: Finance
This list identifies the brands of beer made by beer manufacturers and microbreweries that are subject to the beer tax. You can use this list to calculate the beer tax you pay...Resource formats:
Snow Survey measurement locations
Ministry: Natural Resources and Forestry
This dataset contains location information for 2 of Ontario’s snow monitoring networks: Surface Water Monitoring Centre (SWMC) Snow Network for Ontario Wildlife (SNOW),...Resource formats:
Ontario Health Premium rates
Ministry: Finance
Data tracking the estimated Ontario Health Premium amounts paid by individuals. The premium ranges up to $900 if your taxable income is more than $20,000. About Ontario Health...Resource formats:
Fuel tax rates
Ministry: Finance
Fuel tax rates were last changed on July 1, 2022. The current rates are: 9 ¢ per litre Effective July 1, 2022 until June 30, 2025, the fuel tax rate will be reduced from 14.3...Resource formats:
Ontario Research Funding – Summary (Current)
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
This data set provides a summary of research projects funded by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.Resource formats:
Ontario Research Funding – Summary (Historical)
Ministry: Colleges and Universities
This data set provides a summary of research projects funded by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (October 2004 to April 2018).Resource formats:
Stream Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started the Multi-Media Monitoring Study in 2015, in support of Ontario's Pollinator Health Action Plan, to measure...Resource formats:
Drinking Water Neonicotinoid Monitoring Study
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks started a project to determine the potential levels and occurrence of neonicotinoid insecticides in Ontario source waters...Resource formats:
Ontario business, agri-food, and farm data profiles
Ministry: Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has created business, agri-food, and farm data profiles for: each region in the province (Central, Eastern, Western,...Resource formats:
List of provincial agencies
Ministry: Treasury Board Secretariat
The data includes agency websites, classifications and Public Service of Ontario Act, 2006 regulation data.Resource formats:
Sediment Chemistry (Great Lakes Nearshore Areas)
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
Data is collected each year, according to the lake-by-lake cycle. Information includes: sediment chemistry approximately 80 index and reference stations throughout the Great...Resource formats:
Risk Management Measures Catalogue
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
The catalogue provides a means for a user to determine which management measures and management targets are suitable to effectively manage a specific threat to the quality or...Resource formats:
Jackfish Bay Area of Concern in Recovery – Water and Sediment Chemistry
Ministry: Environment, Conservation and Parks
In 2017, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks collected water and sediment from the Jackfish Bay ‘Area of Concern in Recovery’ study area, which included...Resource formats: